Let me begin my post by summarizing one of my favorite stories of sacrifice.

A young inexperienced teacher began his first day at school by asking his class to help establish their own rules. Ten rules were written on the blackboard. Then the teacher asked, “what shall we do with one who breaks the rules?” “Beat him across the back ten times without his coat on,” came a response. A day or so later… the lunch of a big student named Tom was stolen. The thief was located, a little hungry fellow, about ten years old. The boy took off his coat. He had no shirt and revealed a bony little crippled body. As the teacher hesitated with the rod, Big Tom jumped to his feet to take the boy’s licking. After five strokes across Tom’s back the rod broke. Little Jim reached up and caught Tom with both arms around his neck. “Tom, I’m sorry that I stole your lunch but I was awful hungry. Tom I will love you till I die for taking my licking for me!”

What a great sacrifice Big Tom made for little Jim!

A little over a year ago I was invited to be in the delivery room with my daughter, son in law, and birth mom, to witness the birth of my youngest grandchild.

Let me tell you a little about this birth mom. I will call her Ann. Ann was attending college when she found out she was pregnant. She had no family living close by and the father of the baby wanted nothing to do with her once he found out about the pregnancy. Ann knew she was not ready to be a mother and she wanted her unborn child to have a mother and a father. She truly and unselfishly wanted what was best for the baby she carried. Through Ann’s roommate, (who knew my daughter) a miraculous connection was made and my daughter and her husband were offered to adopt this child.

My daughter was able to take Ann to her first appointment where they learned that Ann was already 30 weeks along and carrying a little boy. Ann and my daughter quickly became friends as they spent a lot of time together the last ten weeks of the pregnancy, laughing, crying and sharing feelings.

One late day in July 2019 we drove Ann to the hospital to deliver the baby. As the hours passed and Ann’s pain grew more and more intense I watched something very miraculous take place, which is almost hard to describe. As Ann gripped my daughter’s hand squeezing hard and crying out in agony, I also saw tears threatening to spill over in my daughter’s eyes as she gently massaged Ann’s back. You could almost tangibly feel the love and gratitude radiating from both the birth mom and the mom to be. It was such a spiritual experience. Nine hours later my grandson was born and gently placed on my daughter’s chest.

What a great and difficult Sacrifice Ann made which brought a family so much joy!

Aproximately two thousand years ago Jesus Christ, the Son of God came into this world and suffered and died for every mortal being that ever existed. He took upon himself the sins and suffering, pains, sicknesses and afflictions of every kind imaginable. No one knows exactly how He did this, but for many we hope, believe or know this to be true. This ultimate sacrifice makes it possible for all mankind to receive Eternal Life.

There is No Greater Sacrifice than the Atonement of Jesus Christ!!!

One thing I have noticed in all three of these examples of Sacrifice is LOVE and COMPASSION. The ability of one who thinks outside of their self to help another. And hopefully the one being helped feels deep Gratitude.

We are all in the middle of trying and uncertain times. What sacrifices are we making to help others? I know through my own experience that as we reach out to those in need with love and compassion we will not only be an instrument in the Lord’s hands but we will find greater peace and joy in our own lives.

Sacrifice is Truly a Gift!

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