Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Learning From Battle Wounds

knight armor
Photo by Maria Pop on

We have all participated in some type of ‘Battle’ at some point in our lives. Maybe it is battling an addiction or trying to fight the natural man and overcome weaknesses. It may be a battle in a relationship or you may be battling something more physical such as a disability or a health problem.

Battles are part of life and the biggest battle that is raging in our world today is the battle between good and evil. One will rarely experience a battle without pain and some form of scarring. Some may experience an ongoing battle for the rest of their mortal life.

I believe that much can be learned from experiencing battles whether they are great or small. If we seek to learn from them and keep a positive attitude we will find that they help develope strength and character. My battles have made me the person I am today.

Always remember that Jesus Christ is right there at the Front line with you. He will support you and even carry you when the pain is more than you can bare. He will help you to fight the enemy! Christ knows exactly how you feel for He has fought and won the greatest battle there ever was as He atoned for the sins of the world and died and rose the third day that we might have Eternal Life!

Have Courage During Life’s Battles!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Growing Pains

boy wiping tears from eye

Pain… which is defined as suffering or discomfort can be crippling. No one will escape getting to know pain. As the scriptures teach that there must be opposition in all things. Knowing pain helps us to also know joy and a sense of well being.

I remember my kids getting ‘growing pains’ in the night when they were young, Their legs ached and throbbed making it hard to fall asleep. Distracting them helped their focus to be on something else until they could sleep. I have accepted that when I awake each morning there will be some discomfort as I begin to move. Accepting that makes it easier to push forward each day knowing that within a few minutes the pain will subside.

I believe there are many kinds of pain and not all are physical. We can feel pain emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Often these types of pain are difficult to recognize and understand and can even bring on physical problems as well.

There is one simple solution to handling all types of pain and that is following Jesus Christ, He will not always take the pain away but he will strengthen us enough to handle it. Pain is a necessary part of Mortality which will help us grow and reach our full potential as children of God.

Embrace pain and turn to your Father in Heaven for strength!

by Tanya Christiansen

Freedom Isn’t Free

My late brother helped me to appreciate more fully the freedoms that we have in this great country we call America. That freedom came with great sacrifices which are still being made today. My brother was so eager to be a Marine and help defend and protect this country and those who reside here.

Our Freedom comes with a high price that many are paying today as they serve. I watched my brother pay that price when he sustained serious injuries at the age of 19 on the front line of the Viet Nam conflict. I honor him every day! And I miss him! But I am glad he no longer has to sit in a dark room unable to see or walk, pushing his nurse button and having to wait sometimes an hour to have someone come change his diaper or get him off of the floor when he slid out of his chair. He gave up his home, his friends, his animals, his hobbies, and his dignity, and recently his life, all for the gift of Freedom which is mine and yours!

I know he is experiencing great joy in the Spirit World. I am so happy for him and I know because of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice and Atonement I will see him again. What a great reunion we will all have when we reunite with our loved ones on the other side!

Do You Consider Freedom A Blessing?

by Tanya Christiansen

Come As You Are

I wasn’t planning to post so soon but this story I would like to share really touched me. Thanks to a friend on Facebook for sharing this!

” Yesterday at church a Sister got up to bear her testimony and she related an experience she had at the temple.

She had a long day. Work was hard and she knew she had to get to the temple…that day! So, with her temple bag in her trunk and wearing a t-shirt that said ‘Not Today Satan,’ she headed straight to the temple after work.

In the parking lot she hesitated, concerned with, (among other things) her appearance as she went to the house of the Lord. But then she had the thought, most certainly from the Spirit, ‘Come As You Are.’ And after some hesitation followed by ‘Just Get In There‘ she did!

In her t-shirt and with her temple bag in one hand and her recommend in the other, she entered the holiest place around. As she entered the workers smiled and said, “welcome to the Temple.” No one batted an eye at her casual appearance.”

This experience is one of many that tell just how unconditional Jesus Christ’s love is for each of us! Of course, we always want to strive to respect Our Father in Heaven and our Savior through our speech, our dress, and the way we live our lives, ….but….. I believe it is more important to listen to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and follow it just as this dear Sister did!

On another note, the Lord will always meet you just where you are. He is waiting for you to let Him in.

So what are you waiting for, come as you are and let Him in!

by Tanya Christiansen

At The Crossroads

aerial view of green grass field
Which road should I take?

The picture above perfectly depicts how I have been feeling. I have been in the caregiver role for the past 11 years until a month ago and now I’m not really sure where my focus should be or which path I should take. I feel an emptiness and my home has never seemed quieter. I know it is not in my best interest to sit in this lull for very long so I’m trying to keep busy and waiting for inspiration. I really thought it would be great when I got to this point but now that I’m here it’s not so great!

So for now I won’t be writing any new posts but I invite you to visit my website at and scroll down to read my old posts. There are over 200 of them which will remain online for at least another year. I have truly appreciated my readers and your comments and if you have any suggestions for me at this time I would welcome them whole heartedly!

by Tanya Christiansen

Turn to God for direction!

Laid To Rest

We have all been touched by the passing of a loved one. It is truly one of the most difficult experiences in mortality. Death separates us from those we love for a time. Since my brother passed away a little over a month ago I have been pondering the phrase ‘laid to rest’. When suffering is prolonged the passing can bring rest. Rest from pain, rest from limitations, rest from disease, rest from an aging body that no longer works the way we want it to and rest from worldly cares. This was truly the case for my brother for he suffered for so many years.

There are other things just as crippling as disease, physical limitations and aging. By taking a good look at ourselves and paying attention to our feelings we may find things that our holding us back from being who God intends for us to be.

Can we lay to rest a grudge we are holding on to, hurtful words that we can’t seem to let go, or the thought that we will never be good enough? Taking the time to ponder and laying to rest those things that harm us can rejuvenate our soul.

Lay it to rest and find peace!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

A Diamond In The Rough

diamonds on charcoal in close up photography

We are all a ‘Diamond in the Rough’ waiting to be discovered! As heir’s of a Heavenly King we have the sparkle and strength of a diamond. The worth and potential of each of us might lay hidden for a time as we go through this mortal life.

God has allowed us experiences to refine and purify us and eventually find our greatness and divine worth! It can be a long and difficult process for some. The same is true with the creation of a real diamond. There are extreme temperatures and pressures over a long period of time to create a single diamond!

So how does one find that ‘diamond in the rough’ with all of it’s beauty and strength? I personally believe that it is simple….. Be Kind, Do Good, Serve Others….no matter the circumstances in your life. At first it may be hard as you push to do those things, but as you keep going it will have a domino effect… knocking down those false beliefs you have about yourself and little by little letting the sparkle and shine begin to show through.

“A diamond in the rough is a diamond sure enough, and before it ever sparkled it was made of diamond stuff. But someone had to find it or it never would be found, and someone had to grind it or it never would be ground.

But when it’s found, and when it’s ground, and when it’s burnished bright, That diamond everlastingly will give out it’s light.” Author unknown

Believe that you are, believe that you can!

by Tanya Christiansen

A Bend In The Road

bend on an asphalt road through the forest in the fog

We all face a bend in the road at some point in our traveling where we are presented with uncertainty or change. The bend in the road almost always brings growth and will still help us reach our final destination, but it can also bring some pain and suffering.

If you are like me you might like your path to be predictable, comfortable and even when it’s difficult it is still what you are used to. But then that turn or change comes and it could throw you off to the side of the road if you aren’t paying close attention.

My brother was injured in Vietnam on the front line and suffered for so many years. I prayed for his peace repeatedy but now that he has graduated from his mortal existence I’m not quite sure how to handle this change. I visited with him each week for years. I feel a little off course, less motivated and kind of at a standstill. I know I need to get back on the road, face that bend and move forward.

I testify that God will help us at each bend in the road. He is there to support, lift and encourage us to keep going forward. If we reach out in prayer He will be there!

Change is Part of Life! Death Is Not The End!

by Tanya Christiansen

Traveling From One World To The Next

As I sit here holding my brother’s hand waiting for him to take this amazing journey into the Spirit World, I can’t help wondering just what this journey will be like when it is my turn. Although my wish for him is that he will soon be able to pass, I know the Lord has his own timeline and purposes. My daughter said to me today that there was probably a big line of people waiting to get in. Then I said maybe you had to have an appointment. It’s hard to say what it is really like.

Even though my body has been wearing down these past few days it is really peaceful sitting by his bedside in this quiet room. There is a strong spirit here and I can’t help wondering if my late husband and our parents are closeby waiting to escort my brother home. No one deserves peace more than him!

The important thing is that we stay on the covenant path and keep God’s commandments for we never know when our turn might come!

Now is the Time to Prepare to Meet God!

by Tanya Christiansen

Accessing the Atonement

I have wanted to share this miraculous event that has taken place in my life for quite sometime. It is so miraculous that it is hard to put in words.

Think for a minute about a time when you have felt completely broken, depleated, exhausted, with no desire to pull yourself up to higher ground. Maybe you felt abandoned and forgotten. That is exactly where I found myself ten years ago when my husband, ( my rock, ) passed away leaving me in a pile of nothingness. And then the movie of my entire life played of all my regrets, my sins and my failures. How could I go on without my rock?

That is when my search began for peace, strength and joy! I believed in Christ but I did not know Him. In all humbleness….. that is where I began! Perhaps I needed to be broken before the Lord could teach me and help me and give me the greatest gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ with all its power and glory.

Climbing out of the hole I had put myself in was the hardest work I have ever done! But I did not do it alone. I couldn’t begin to name all those who helped me. Some without even knowing they had in some way inspired me and directed me. Taking those first steps in really getting to know my Savior Jesus Christ would forever be the most valuable steps I would ever take.

I didn’t find any miraculous formula to access the Atonement of Jesus Christ and feel it working for ME as an individual. But it did happen, slowly and quietly yet with power. As I followed the teachings of Christ it happened!!! I feel new, I feel loved and at peace! Each day I wake fearing that this peace will leave me, but its there every day no matter what is going on in my life. He is there, I feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost!

If I could only give my children and grandchildren one gift, I would give them my Savior Jesus Christ for He is the only way to true peace and joy in this life. He is all powerful, He has great compassion and mercy for all of God’s children. He died for each of us. He ressurrected on the third day. He lives. He has given each of us Eternal Life. There is no greater gift! I testify that these things are true! I will be forever grateful for my Father in Heaven and His wisdom in providing a way through His Son Jesus Christ for His children to return and live with Him again someday!

REMEMBER HIM! Happy Easter!

by Tanya Christiansen

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