Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Surviving Cancer

I’ve thought about writing this post for along time and now is the right time. I hope and pray that someone out there will gain even just a small portion of help through the process of dealing with a terminal illness and a premature passing of a loved one.

Our story with Cancer began in December of 2013 when our family of thirty two gathered for our yearly Christmas Party. This would be a Christmas Party none like the others and etched in our minds and hearts forever.

Ray and I gathered our adult children in the living room while our grandchildren played happily in the family room. The news that Ray shared in those next five minutes changed our lives forever! Just two days prior Ray was given a terminal diagnoses of fourth stage Pancreatic Cancer and given three months to live. Our Christmas party was one of tears, laughter and drawing strength from one another.

Those next few days were a total blur for me. No I wasn’t the one with Cancer but my world felt totally and completely dumped upside down. Now ten years later I can say, “I Survived Cancer!”

I have learned there is no right way to handle such an experience. The best way is Your way. Our grandchildren of different ages all handled their Grandpa’s passing differently. Those first few weeks after Ray shared the news we were showered with expressions of love in the form of letters and cards and colored pictures from friends and family. The picture above was drawn by our granddaughter.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a monster that could eat up Cancer and all diseases and illnesses. But it wouldn’t be God’s way. I have faith in a Father in Heaven who used perfect wisdom when He made a plan for His children that would help them learn and grow. This plan includes opposition. It includes Cancer, disease, illnesses and death. But it also includes God’s love and a promise of help during life’s challenges if we turn to Him with full purpose of heart. He has also given His Only Begotten Son to succor His children, for He has felt everything we go through including Cancer.

My belief in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and Ressurection are the main reasons I am a Cancer survivor! I miss Ray everyday, but I can do this with the Lord’s help!!! As I turn to my Father in Heaven I feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost.

God’s plan brings comfort, strength and Joy even during life’s difficult challenges!

by Tanya Christiansen


Gaining Wisdom


Accessing the Atonement

1 Comment

  1. Your commitment to quality is admirable.

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