Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Traveling From One World To The Next

As I sit here holding my brother’s hand waiting for him to take this amazing journey into the Spirit World, I can’t help wondering just what this journey will be like when it is my turn. Although my wish for him is that he will soon be able to pass, I know the Lord has his own timeline and purposes. My daughter said to me today that there was probably a big line of people waiting to get in. Then I said maybe you had to have an appointment. It’s hard to say what it is really like.

Even though my body has been wearing down these past few days it is really peaceful sitting by his bedside in this quiet room. There is a strong spirit here and I can’t help wondering if my late husband and our parents are closeby waiting to escort my brother home. No one deserves peace more than him!

The important thing is that we stay on the covenant path and keep God’s commandments for we never know when our turn might come!

Now is the Time to Prepare to Meet God!

by Tanya Christiansen

Accessing the Atonement

I have wanted to share this miraculous event that has taken place in my life for quite sometime. It is so miraculous that it is hard to put in words.

Think for a minute about a time when you have felt completely broken, depleated, exhausted, with no desire to pull yourself up to higher ground. Maybe you felt abandoned and forgotten. That is exactly where I found myself ten years ago when my husband, ( my rock, ) passed away leaving me in a pile of nothingness. And then the movie of my entire life played of all my regrets, my sins and my failures. How could I go on without my rock?

That is when my search began for peace, strength and joy! I believed in Christ but I did not know Him. In all humbleness….. that is where I began! Perhaps I needed to be broken before the Lord could teach me and help me and give me the greatest gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ with all its power and glory.

Climbing out of the hole I had put myself in was the hardest work I have ever done! But I did not do it alone. I couldn’t begin to name all those who helped me. Some without even knowing they had in some way inspired me and directed me. Taking those first steps in really getting to know my Savior Jesus Christ would forever be the most valuable steps I would ever take.

I didn’t find any miraculous formula to access the Atonement of Jesus Christ and feel it working for ME as an individual. But it did happen, slowly and quietly yet with power. As I followed the teachings of Christ it happened!!! I feel new, I feel loved and at peace! Each day I wake fearing that this peace will leave me, but its there every day no matter what is going on in my life. He is there, I feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost!

If I could only give my children and grandchildren one gift, I would give them my Savior Jesus Christ for He is the only way to true peace and joy in this life. He is all powerful, He has great compassion and mercy for all of God’s children. He died for each of us. He ressurrected on the third day. He lives. He has given each of us Eternal Life. There is no greater gift! I testify that these things are true! I will be forever grateful for my Father in Heaven and His wisdom in providing a way through His Son Jesus Christ for His children to return and live with Him again someday!

REMEMBER HIM! Happy Easter!

by Tanya Christiansen

Surviving Cancer

I’ve thought about writing this post for along time and now is the right time. I hope and pray that someone out there will gain even just a small portion of help through the process of dealing with a terminal illness and a premature passing of a loved one.

Our story with Cancer began in December of 2013 when our family of thirty two gathered for our yearly Christmas Party. This would be a Christmas Party none like the others and etched in our minds and hearts forever.

Ray and I gathered our adult children in the living room while our grandchildren played happily in the family room. The news that Ray shared in those next five minutes changed our lives forever! Just two days prior Ray was given a terminal diagnoses of fourth stage Pancreatic Cancer and given three months to live. Our Christmas party was one of tears, laughter and drawing strength from one another.

Those next few days were a total blur for me. No I wasn’t the one with Cancer but my world felt totally and completely dumped upside down. Now ten years later I can say, “I Survived Cancer!”

I have learned there is no right way to handle such an experience. The best way is Your way. Our grandchildren of different ages all handled their Grandpa’s passing differently. Those first few weeks after Ray shared the news we were showered with expressions of love in the form of letters and cards and colored pictures from friends and family. The picture above was drawn by our granddaughter.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a monster that could eat up Cancer and all diseases and illnesses. But it wouldn’t be God’s way. I have faith in a Father in Heaven who used perfect wisdom when He made a plan for His children that would help them learn and grow. This plan includes opposition. It includes Cancer, disease, illnesses and death. But it also includes God’s love and a promise of help during life’s challenges if we turn to Him with full purpose of heart. He has also given His Only Begotten Son to succor His children, for He has felt everything we go through including Cancer.

My belief in Jesus Christ and His Atonement and Ressurection are the main reasons I am a Cancer survivor! I miss Ray everyday, but I can do this with the Lord’s help!!! As I turn to my Father in Heaven I feel the comfort of the Holy Ghost.

God’s plan brings comfort, strength and Joy even during life’s difficult challenges!

by Tanya Christiansen

Gaining Wisdom

brown white and grey owl perching on grey log

The definition of wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgement. Where would we be without wisdom?

At birth we depend on someone else’s wisdom but as we grow we begin to gain our own. Wisdom takes time and is often taught through failure but also through our experiences. As we make mistakes we begin to increase our wisdom and better judgement. Some learn faster than others.

The natural man in each of us can interfere with the choices we make and sometimes lead us in a direction that will hurt us in the long run. Hopefully our mistakes will open our eyes and help us to use wisdom as we move forward in life.

Using Knowledge and Wisdom will help each of us to navigate through life’s challenges. This is part of God’s plan for His children. We are not alone in our journey here on earth. God will also bless us with more wisdom and knowledge if we call on Him for guidance.

James 1:5- “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him.”

Gaining Wisdom leads to success, survival and happiness!

by Tanya Christiansen

Unshaken Faith

senior woman planting seedlings in garden
Faith is like a little seed.
If planted it will grow!

I love this time of year! Well… actunoally after the snow is melted. I love working in my yard and garden. I love planting seeds and watching them grow. It has almost become therapeutic for me. I love the quiet time when I can really think! Faith is also like the seeds we plant!

Alma 32: 21, 33, 37

” And now as I said concerning faith….faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. And now behold, because you have tried the experiment, and planted the seed, and it swelleth and sprouteth, and beginneth to grow, ye must needs know that the seed is good. And behold, as the tree beginneth to grow, (or as faith begins to grow) ye will say, let us nourish it with great care, that it may get root, that it may grow up and bring forth fruit unto us.”

Unshaken faith begins with hope. We can have faith that our gardens will produce vegetables, faith in ourselves to do better, faith in our loved ones, faith in a better tomorrow and faith in Christ and His power to save.

I can’t honestly say that my faith has never waivered. At times the trials of this mortal life have caused me to doubt, possibly because I took my eye off of the fruit.

Death has no sting when I continue to nourish my faith in God’s plan by living a Christ centered life and looking forward to eternal life with my husband, children and loved ones.

Plant the seed of faith and find peace!

by Tanya Christiansen

Do Your Part

brown chicken in tilt shift lens
The Little Red Hen

Once upon a time there lived a little Red Hen. This little red hen was ambitious and always tried to do her best. She had many friends on the farm where she lived.

One day the little red hen decided to plant some seeds so she could grow wheat to make bread. She asked her friends, “who will help me plant the seeds?” “Not I,” said the pig. “Not I,” said the cow. “Not I” said the dog. “Not I” said the ity bity mouse with a squeak. “Then I will plant it myself.” And so she did.

Time passed and the wheat grew tall and the little red hen set out to cut the wheat. With a loud voice she asked, “who will help me cut the wheat?” “Not I ” said the duck with a quack. “Not I” said the cat. “Not I” said the ity bity mouse with a squeak. And so the little red hen worked hard all day and into the night and cut the wheat.

The next day the little red hen headed out to take the wheat to the mill to be ground into flour. As she passed the barn she said, “who will help me take this wheat to the mill?” “Not I” said the horse. “Not I” said the pig with a grunt. “Not I” said the dog. “Not I” said the ity bity mouse with a squeak. And so the little red hen hurried on her way to the mill.

The next day the little red hen baked the bread and the aroma filled the air with the sweetest smell. All the farm animals followed the smell and found the little red hen eating the bread. The little red hen asked the farm animals, “Who will help me eat this delicious bread?” All at once the farm animals cried out, “I will, I will, I will!” “No” shouted the little red hen! “I will eat the bread because I did all the work.

Rarely does a single person accomplish great things without some form of assistance and encouragement from another person. God put us in families so that we could help each other. We can do our part to assist our friends and neighbors. Serving others has brought great joy and peace into my life even during difficult times! When asked to help we might do ourselves and others a favor by shouting, “I will!”

Doing Our Part Brings Great Rewards!

by Tanya Christiansen

Old School

empty sports ground near school

I have caught myself several times over the past few years saying, “I’m old school.” Most people reply by saying, “that’s ok.” I like paper statements and receipts, mail in the mailbox, telephone calls and verbal conversations. I also like to look at magazines and cookbooks, and I wish I could teach my grandkids long division, because I don’t understand their math. I like to print photos and put them in photo books, wear nylons and listen to the Carpenters! The passing of time lays old ways and ideas to rest while new things and new ideas are being born.

There is another side of ‘old school’ that seems to be slipping away. Truly caring about someone and lending a listening ear or paying someone a visit, (especially your aging mom.) Jesus Christ showed the way to be through His example! Nothing is more important than following Christ and serving others! Technology will continue to advance and bring new ways of doing things but true love and compassion will never, (and should never) change.

Don’t Let a Changing World, Change Those Things That Really Matter!

by Tanya Christiansen

Selfless Love

joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden

Valentines day is often a day associated with Love, usually the romantic kind. Young children have parties at school, make valentines and eat cookies. Selfless love is much different, it generally requires time, patience, compassion and sacrifice. I have always loved the following story. It paints a perfect picture of selfless love.

” As screeching car brakes subsided, eleven year old Billy pulled himself to his feet, and screamed his little sister’s name. Billy’s screams brought no one. Billy limped over to a crowd of men gathered around a car just in time to hear someone say, “She’s got a pulse, she might live.” Everthing was kind of a blur to Billy. An ambulance came and took both of them to the hospital. At the hospital Billy answered questions about the whereabouts of his parents. His Dad was deceased and he didn’t know where his mom was.

The doctor told Billy that his sister would need a transfusion of blood in order for her to live. He asked Billy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. Billy grew pale and gripped the chair he was sitting on tightly, then nodded his head as he gulped. The doctor took Billy into the operating room where his sister was. A line was run from her arm to his. With a concerned look on his face, Billy asked, “How long before I die?” “What do you mean, ” asked the doctor. “Well,” said Billy, “when someone gives his blood doesn’t he die?” With tears in their eyes the doctors and nurses realized what a great sacrifice Billy was willing to make for his sister. What a great example of selfless love.

The Savior Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice and example of pure selfless love as he suffered and died for all mankind so that we could have Eternal blessings if we choose to follow him and keep his commandments. We can show our love for Him by serving others with compassion.

‘As I have loved you, love one another.’

by Tanya Christiansen

Treasures in Heaven

ornamental old chest on ground

Matthew: 6: 20-21

Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

I have a chest where I keep my precious things, mostly things of sentimental value. Sadly I cannot take any of those things with me when I pass from this mortal life. But I can take to Heaven the treasures of my ❤️.

So what do you treasure most in your heart? What is most important to you? Don’t get caught up in worldly things and lose sight of what really matters!

Look inside your treasure chest and seek after Eternal jewels!

Throw It Out

person holding plastic bag with garbage

Isn’t it amazing how quickly things accumulate over the years. But this post doesn’t just apply to ‘stuff’. It applies to anything that wears you down and keeps you from having the life that you desire. Holding grudges is certainly something worth throwing out. Also baggage from unresolved past issues. It might not be as simple as tossing a bag in the garbage can, but those kinds of things can be discarded over time with the right attitude and possibly with needed help.

Throwing out unwanted things can be as simple as cleaning out a junk drawer. It might be necessary to look at each item carefully to determine what is ‘junk’ and what is something worth resolving or keeping. Not all junk is bad. Some items can be turned into something beautiful or might be kept as a memory. Junk can be internal or external. Less stuff or junk means less stress!

Past mistakes and sins can be discarded through the gift of repentance. Nothing can be sweeter than discarding those kinds of burdens. I testify that repentance brings freedom and peace. God is there to help you! Jesus Christ paid the price for all of mankinds mistakes and sins.

What can you discard from your life to make it better?

by Tanya Christiansen

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