car side mirror showing heavy traffic
Photo by Stan on

This post is definitely a subject relative to myself but hopefully helpful to someone else struggling with patience. Unfortunately I am not a very patient person, but I am in pursuit of becoming one. Life offers many situations that test our patience. What can we learn from developing this attribute?

I, personally can not handle traffic and slow drivers. The past few weeks I have found myself in several traffic jams. Sitting in my car at green lights unable to proceed. I tend to get very frustrated and sometimes say things I shouldn’t say. I’m certain my blood pressure and heart rate rise too. It would be so much better if I exercised a little self control and took advantage of these moments to learn how to be patient and use these short periods of time to ponder and think, listen to music, or visit with the passenger riding with me. Instead my frustration sometimes sets the mood for the rest of my day, making it difficult to feel calm and peaceful.

Traffic jams are only one example of something that tests our patience. What about the traffic jams of life? Are we patient in difficult confrontations at work and home, during illness, or personal struggles that make it difficult to proceed and move forward? If you have read any of my other posts you are aware of significant challenges I have had. These challenges have demanded patience in overcoming the negative effects they have brought into my life. I have learned to take baby steps when I have really just wanted to leap to the finish line where the burdens I carry feel light and I feel lasting peace. One thing I have learned is that it doesn’t work that way. In my opinion it seems that all good things that bring lasting peace require much effort, trusting in divine help and guidance and of course, much patience!!!

I am still not where I want to be and maybe that’s how it is for everyone. I believe progression is Eternal. There is always more to learn. Patience can teach us that we can endure difficult things. I wait everyday to be with my late husband and children again. Enduring can strengthen us if we look for the lessons we can learn. I find comfort in knowing that God can help me develop patience if I put my trust in Him and His timing, but it won’t happen if I sit back and wait. I have to put forth great effort to change my ways and become better….. more loving and kind and more patient with myself and others.

Patience is not the ability to wait but it’s the ability to keep a good attitude while you wait!