close up photo of purple and orange starfish
Photo by Mark Walz on

One morning a man walked along a beach covered with thousands of starfish that had washed up during a storm. Now they lay dying in the sun. He saw a young girl picking up the starfish one by one and tossing them into the sea. As he approached her he couldn’t help but ask, “Why bother? There are too many of them to make a difference.” She picked up another starfish and tossed it into the water. Then she turned to the man and said, “I made a difference to that one.”

Our Heavenly Father values all of his creations, but He especially values His children. It doesn’t matter the color of your skin, the environment you live in or even the choices you make. Your Father in Heaven will always love you. All of God’s children have great worth and the possibility of receiving Eternal blessings according to their faithfulness in keeping His commandments.

In the scriptures the Savior has repeatedly said the words, “Feed My Sheep.” We are all His Sheep, but at times we will be the one who reaches out to help one of His lost Sheep. Some may have fallen off of the covenant path while others may need to feel loved and cared about. There are numerous reasons why one may feel lost, and some may not even realize that they are.

We have all probably felt inadequate at one time or another in not knowing how to help someone in need. We may second guess ourselves and decide that someone else might be better qualified in a particular situation. I have felt that way many times myself. But the truth is… You and you alone can make a difference!!! We should never pass up the opportunity to act on a prompting to reach out even if we have no idea what we are going to say or do. The Lord will help us in that very moment! I believe that with all my heart!

Never second guess your ability to make a difference in someone’s life!

By Tanya Christiansen