opened book on white cloth near dandelion flowers
Photo by Sunsetoned on

I guess you could say that I’m a deep thinker. One thing that crosses my mind alot is what will be my legacy? When I am no longer here in this mortal existence and my name is mentioned, what will come into the minds of those who hear it? Will it be an inheritance I have left them, an antique passed down for several generations or will it be my character, my influence, or my values. Perhaps they will remember how I handled difficult trials. Maybe they will remember my love for music and share a piece I composed with their great grand child. I hope… that part of my legacy will be my deep love and appreciation for my Savior Jesus Christ. I hope they will not remember my failures, my harsh words, or my many mistakes.

There are numerous types of Legacies. Not all Legacies are about money or property. I like to think of the word ‘Legacy‘ as your imprint on the world, your community or your family. It is about your reputation, your beliefs and what you stand for.

Your legacy can and will influence others, negatively or positively. It will be passed on for generations to come after you are gone. Hopefully you will not be forgotten. It is what you are doing or not doing now that will become part of your personal Legacy. You can choose how you want that Legacy to look. Writing down your experiences good and bad is an excellent way to leave apart of yourself with those who will come into this world after you are gone. Something you share may have great value to someone born a hundred years from now.

I failed to ask questions about my ancestors when I was younger, and now that I am interested in knowing more I am finding it to be difficult to find the information I am looking for. I want to know the history of my grandparents and great grandparents. I want to know of their values and beliefs, their hardships and trials. I know that I can find strength in that knowledge. I may even find someone I look like or have things in common with.

I want my Legacy to consist of something valuable but not in a monetary sense. I feel that my main focus at this point in my life is to overcome the natural man in me and free myself of all those things that tend to damage and corrupt my self image as a Child of God. I want to be the kind of example that will give others a greater desire to follow Christ. That would be the greatest and most valuable Legacy I could leave my family, my friends and my community.

I wonder sometimes what the world will be like when my great grand children are raising families of their own. I know that they will need great strength. The Legacies we are creating today can be of great worth tomorrow!

If you haven’t already….. start creating your Legacy Today! Nothing is as valuable as leaving others a part of yourself!!!

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