footprints on beach
Photo by Anitha Kapu on

As a young mother I loved watching my toddlers step into my shoes or the shoes of their Dad and slop around in them trying to keep their balance. For some reason they loved putting their tiny feet in those bigger shoes. Walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ who led a perfect life might feel much the same as we trip and stumble trying to follow Him. It is certainly not easy to develop those attributes that Christ himself has. I am a perfect example of someone who lost my balance and ventured away from the footsteps of Jesus Christ. What a blessing it is that progression will continue on not only in this life but also in the world to come. The important thing is that we are moving forward following his steps.

Why is it important to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ? He is the way the truth and the light! His way brings peace and joy even during challenging times. His way will never lead us astray. He speaks only words of truth that lead all men to Eternal happiness with their loved ones beyond the grave. He is full of light. He is light. As we follow in his footsteps his light will guide us through the darkness.

There may be times that the way seems unclear but during those times Jesus Christ will carry you if you put your trust and faith in him. I love him with all my heart! He has led me back to safety!

Choose to follow the Master Teacher!

by Tanya Christiansen