When someone we love goes away no matter the reason why, it can bring feelings of uncertainty, sadness and even depression. Change is part of life and something on going. No one can escape growing from childhood to adulthood without having stumbles and falls and then again as we grow older we struggle as our mortal bodies age until we finally leave this mortal existence.

This past week our family has once again experienced the passing of a loved one. Also a son, brother, grandson, nephew and friend, who left on a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They both feel many miles away, yet our memories help us to feel closer.

Turning to Christ and trusting that He will bless them and keep them safe brings comfort and peace to my soul. They are his sheep and he has his watchful eye upon them.

Jesus Christ is the answer to finding Strength during difficult times. We can come to except death as a stepping stone in our progression and growth. Serving a mission also brings experiences that strengthen and refine the person serving and also helps bring others unto Christ where they can find answers to all of life’s puzzling questions.

I have a testimony of Trusting the Lord!!! I may not always like the things that happen in my life but I know that He will always give me the strength and comfort I need when I need it through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Trust in the Lord! He is your Friend!