Writing my post each sunday means I do a lot of thinking during the week. My writing has become very therapeutic for myself and hopefully beneficial to others as well. I consider myself a deep thinker. I analyze everything which sometimes is not beneficial. It is much better to trust your decisions and not go over them in your head fifty times. On a positive side, thinking outside the box can be very helpful to you and those you associate with. I think sometimes our thoughts and actions become very routine. We become very certain with where we stand on certain issues. That is good!!! But what if thinking outside the box…….taking a little more time before we respond or act could bring about something even better???

I believe that we can be inspired in ALL of our thoughts and actions. We can pray for guidance and act when we feel prompted and in the way the Holy Ghost inspires. I have found that divine inspiration sometimes is totally different than what my quick thought is. Our Father in Heaven knows each of his children and what will benefit them. I know he can help us to think outside the box or in other words, slow down, ask for guidance and take the time to listen. Then, act upon those thoughts that come and trust that you are saying or doing what the Lord would want you to do.

Words and actions have a very powerful effect and can change the outcome in any situation. Our thoughts govern who we are, how we act, and who we become. You can’t reverse a word spoken or undo a hasteful action, but as you take the time to really think about what you are facing, you can trust that you are moving forward in the right way. You may not always see the end results of your thoughts and actions but our Father in Heaven does.

Take the Time to Pray and Ponder Before You Act!

by Tanya Christiansen