I heard these two words, Think Celestial, at a General Conference for my church and have been pondering them this past week. Some definitions of the word Celestial are Heavenly, blessed, blissful, supreme, and divine. When I think of Celestial, I think of a place more glorious and beautiful beyond description where God and Jesus Christ reside and there is no more pain or suffering.

My church leader encouraged those who were listening to think Celestial when things were going wrong or life was testing you to your limits. How could that possibly help when you are totally discouraged and suffering??? I believe it is because it draws you from a darkened place to a place of hope in something better, a place of peace and rest from the troubles of this world. It gives me a desire to change, to be better, and be a little kinder and more forgiving.

There are many different beliefs in life beyond the grave but of this I am sure that God exists and because of His great love He sent His Only Begotten Son to Atone for the sins and suffering of His children so that through repentance they can return and partake of Celestial Glory someday.

Have hope in Eternal Joy and Peace. Think Celestial!

by Tanya Christiansen