jet cloud landing aircraft
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I have recently been reading a book called ‘The Gospel at 30,000 Feet’ by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. As a young European boy he was forced to flee his home more than once during a war-torn era and later grew up to be a Chief Pilot and Senior Vice President of a major airline. He also became an Apostle and a counselor in the first presidency for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. His book has been fascinating to me and the lessons taught while he compares our journey called Life to the ability a pilot has to fly a plane. Complete with lift, drag, turbulence and guidance. And finally reaching our ultimate destination.

The Wright brothers knew that there were three main requirements in order to fly an aircraft. The first being someone to control the plane. Pilots are skilled in their knowledge of those controls that will allow a plane to take off, fly and land safely. Second, Wings that would produce lift. This happens when air passes over the wings of an airplane in such a way that the pressure underneath the wing is greater than the pressure above the wing. And third, a powerful engine that would keep the aircraft aloft. Pilots must learn to trust those who build and maintain and care for those engines that will give power to the plane they are flying.

Likewise in life we all have the gift of agency to choose for ourselves and take control of our actions. Hopefully we gain enough skill in Self Control that we can get through life safely ending up where we want to be.

Second, those things that produce Lift in life may vary for each individual. I can testify that as a person who has hit rock bottom that those things that produce lasting lift are things of a spiritual nature such as drawing closer to Christ through study and prayer, following His example and striving to develop His attributes. I believe that Christ is truly the wind beneath our wings.

And last but definitely not least is that power or source that keeps us moving upward, just like those plane engines. That source is the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit that powerfully guides and directs us keeping us on course so we can reach our destination. We have to learn to trust that source to warn us of upcoming dangers in our flight path. Dangers that will cause us to crash and not reach our full potential or enjoy an Eternal destination with our loved one’s who have passed on.

Accepting Christ as the wind beneath our wings is a sure and constant source of clarity and safety.

by Tanya Christiansen

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