Like all schools from preschool through college, learning is the purpose. Whether it is to learn a trade or skill or to obtain a degree in a specific area, learning remains the focus! I like to think of mortality as a school greater than all the others we might attend during our earth life. Learning begins while we are still in the womb. There is never a time that we learn more quickly than when we are an infant. A babies brain develops at an amazing rate. It doubles in size by the age of one. While vision is the least developed sense at birth, the other senses begin to develop before we are born.

All schools or training at some point in time present a quiz or test to determine if what has been taught has been understood. If we fail the test we might have to study more or be taught again and retested until we either grasp the concept or we choose a different class or a different path all together. We may find we excel easily in some areas and struggle in others. That is perfectly normal. There are different methods of learning also. What works for one might not work for another.

The School of Mortality is certainly the most accommodating school that has ever existed. The reason being because the professor is our Father in Heaven. Never has there been a more patient and helpful instructor. He will give you infinite chances to pass His test. He will supply you with tutors to assist with your learning. His greatest tutors being Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Your happiness and success is their ultimate goal. They will never lead you astray. Your success is promised if you continue to listen and learn. As long as you continue to try to pass the test of mortality your failures and weaknesses will not be remembered.

Subjects you will be required to pass are compassion, kindness, love, charity, hope, obedience, patience, integrity and forgiveness. But remember you have as many chances as it takes. You can take what you learn here and continue learning in the here after!!! How wonderful is that? Finally a really great school worth attending!


by Tanya Christiansen

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