gray trunk green leaf tree beside body of water
Photo by Daniel Watson on

The roots of large trees often heave up through the ground with great force taking over anything causing resistance, pushing it aside to make it’s appearance. These large roots can be a burden as they bust through level surfaces with roughness. Likewise money…..often referred to as the ‘root of all evil’ can disrupt our lives in a negative way causing greed, jealousy, and even hatred. Having an abundance of money or a lack of it can poison our souls, rip relationships apart and even provoke crimes to be committed.

Today as I listened to the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my strongest impression was ‘Being in the World Without Being of the World’. Money is only one of the many worldly things that can either help us or hurt us. The adversary promotes the idea that you must have fame and fortune to be successful and happy. Values are diminishing. Marriage and raising a family are being adopted as an old fashion idea. Many of the youth today have no desire to marry and have children.

My husband made $2.85 an hour when we first got married. We lived from paycheck to paycheck, eating what my grown children now call ‘poor man’s food’. But… we were Rich!!! We still are rich!!! While money will always be needed to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads it will never replace the richness of the Kingdom of God with its glory and beauty for that is where our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ dwell. That is the only place we will ever be truly Rich!!!

Luke 18:25- For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.