Take a minute and think about someone you know who always has a smile on their face. I love being around those kind of people! Their positive attitude about life, (even when things are rough), makes me want to try harder to find the good in any given situation. Being around those kind of people lifts my mood and helps me reflect on those things I have to be grateful for. I want to be remembered as someone who chose to be happy even during difficult things.

Having dealt with depression for a big part of my life, it has been a breath of fresh air to finally feel truly happy! Happy with who I am. Happy with my life and where I am with my progression. And especially happy to know that I am part of our Heavenly Fathers plan! Slowly over a long period of time I have been able to face and discard all of my distorted thoughts, misconceptions, and negative remarks that I had taken to heart and allowed to become whom I thought was me. The thing that has helped me the very most was the encouragement, example and positive attitudes of those people around me. There always seems to be a few people who seem to find something positive during the worst experiences. I want to be like that!

Paying attention to your thoughts is a good place to start if you are struggling with being negative. You have the ability to shift your negative thoughts to more positive ones. Positive words and actions lift ourselves and others while negative responses tear down. Being positive is very closely related to Faith. There is power in being positive, even when and especially when, things are crumbling around us. We can have faith in better days ahead. We can have faith in ourselves and our ability to accomplish those things required of us. Your smile or encouraging words can truly make the difference and might give someone the courage to keep trying!!!

Are You Happy With What You See in The Mirror?

by Tanya Christiansen