The Savior Jesus Christ taught by example

We all learn by the example of those around us and the environment we are exposed to. Example is very powerful in influencing the way a person perceives life and what is important or not. My little three year old grandson is like a sponge soaking up the world around him. He has a great imagination and loves to emulate those things he sees and hears. He copies his siblings and adults, repeating their words and actions. He is very entertaining to watch! As he grows and learns he will figure out that he is not a Rhino or a Dinosaur, nor can he ride a scooter as well as his seventeen year old brother. But he will choose to follow some of those examples that he has been exposed to, good or bad.

It took me a lot of years to decide whose example I would follow. I didn’t have a clear perception of what would bring true happiness. That was partly my own fault because of the places and people I chose to expose myself to. But over time the example of a few great people I admired, helped me to choose a better path. I am where I am today because of the example of others. I will be forever grateful!!!

Our Savior Jesus Christ taught by example. He washed the feet of His disciples to teach one of the greatest principles of His gospel, and that was to ‘Love and Serve One Another’. You may not realize it but you are being watched by your children, by your peers, by the young and the old. Someone see’s you when you lose your temper. Someone hears your unkind words. But someone also see your goodness, your values and the good choices you make. Your actions today will help shape the rising generation which includes my three year old grandson. There is no greater example than the perfect life of our Savior Jesus Christ. If we could implement just one of the Saviors attributes and truly live it, we would help make this world a better place!

by Tanya Christiansen

Let Your Example Be Worth Following!