I guess you could say that, (in a sense) playing the piano is one of my livelihoods. It is almost as important to me as breathing! I can’t imagine my life without it! It brings me joy, peace and solace. It takes me to a place where I can escape the sorrows and hardships of life. A place where I can be alone with my thoughts. But then… there is that darn C Flat! I bet I have played over a hundred pieces containing C Flat! Playing C Flat for me is like trying to walk with a puncture weed or a pebble in your shoe. Very uncomfortable right? No matter how much practice I put in, playing that C Flat still remains annoyingly uncomfortable to me.

As I have pondered this over the years I like to compare this experience to sin or mistakes we make that we choose to ignore or try to rationalize away. Have you ever been there? I have. No matter what you do you can’t quite seem to put it out of your mind. At least not permanently. It continues to bug you just like that puncture weed or that C flat! But that’s a good thing… right? Having a conscience or the Holy Spirit prompting you to take care of it once and for all. What a blessing!!!

I personally made alot of bad choices in my youth years that brought me alot of pain and suffering. But I am here to tell you that acknowledging your sin or mistakes, repenting and forsaking them can bring you undescribable peace and joy! This is only possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, who suffered for every mistake or sin committed by every child of God.

If you have a ‘C Flat’ that is bothering you, seek help and guidance from a trusted friend. Counsel with your Heavenly Father in prayer so that you can be free of that burden in your life.

Unfortunately for me if I continue to play the piano, (which I plan on) I will have to tolerate those annoying C flats, but I do not have to carry the burdens of Sin! What a wonderful blessing!!!

“Repentance is the key to avoiding misery inflicted by traps of the adversary.”