Photo taken by my daughter Britanie

We all experience times in our lives when we feel engulfed with darkness wondering if we will ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately we can’t choose when that light will come that brings relief……but we can continue to hope for better days ahead, focussing on those things we have to be grateful for.

Focus is a key word in seeing the light. Where is your focus? Is it on those wrongs that others have done to you or is it on the goodness and blessings we can all find if we look deep enough. Sometimes we are the one blocking the light.

There is light all around us… people we interact with each day, in words and music we hear that lifts us and even within ourselves. Light brings strength and comfort. It is possible to see the light even when we are surrounded by darkness. As we seek after light the darkness will fade away.

Jesus Christ brings light because he is full of light and goodness. There is warmth and peace that come when we follow the teachings of Christ. There is no greater light than He who suffered and died for you and for me!

Open Your Eyes and See the Light!

by Tanya Christiansen

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