While picking grapes this weekend I thought alot about harvesting or the gathering that takes place each late summer and into the fall. The useful parts of plants and animals that have reached maturity are gathered and prepared in preparation for winter. The harvest is necessary to sustain life until spring.

Likewise there is a great gathering and sifting of good and evil that is taking place on this planet earth. That which is good comes from God and that which is evil comes from satan. Between these two powerful forces, each of us are caught in a tug of war. We can’t have it both ways and find true happiness.

In the New Testament in Matthew chapter thirteen we read the parable of the wheat and the tares. In the parable the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man who sowed good seed in his field but while he slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat causing weeds to grow. The weeds and grain grew together until harvest when they were separated.

There are so many voices in the world today that attack truth. Studying the scriptures can help us discern what is truth and what is not. Children and the youth of today have so many negative influences that can govern the choices they make often leading them far from what is good and true.

Our Father in Heaven has given each of us the light of Christ and the Holy Ghost that will be a guide and protection against the adversary until the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The choices we make today will determine where we end up tomorrow!

by Tanya Christiansen