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Though a mustard seed is very small, the height of the plant that grows from it is very great!

If you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible to you. (Matt. 17:20)

Faith is to hope for things that the eye can’t see. Certainly we have all exercised some measure of Faith as we have hoped for this horrible pandemic to end. Believing that in time the restrictions would be lifted and that the numbers of those who had the virus would decrease and some level of normalcy would return. That is having Faith!

I not only hope that the sun will come up each day but I believe very strongly that it will. I do not know for certainty that it will rise each morning, so I rely on Faith. Having Faith is a choice I make which I feel helps me stay calm and gives me a sense of peace during difficult times. I believe that our struggles have a purpose and will help us grow and develop into better people.

I want to share one experience where I was required to exercise great Faith. When my husband and I decided to start our family I had no idea of the struggles I would have carrying children. After several miscarriages I was told by a specialist that I only had a 40% chance of having a live birth. My husband and I prayed and fasted and knew that we should continue to try to have children even though the odds were against us. It took much Faith to proceed. We were blessed with two sons and six daughters. Three of those children passed away as infants. My hope of their survival continued until their passing. At the time I felt I had failed to exercise enough Faith, but now I look at things a bit differently.

I choose to have Faith in a Father in Heaven who has a plan for each of us. I try to look at things with an Eternal perspective trusting that God knows the experiences I need. That is where my Faith lies……with God. He will never give you more than you can handle. Even when the answer is no we can still have Faith! I would have those sweet babies all over again! It shows Faith when we ask ourselves, “what can I learn from this?” God does not expect our Faith to be perfect. He only expects us to give our best.

Faith can move the mountains we face in life to a place where we can handle them. Whether it be that they are completely removed or just that our burden feels lighter. With Faith in God and the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can face our struggles knowing that we can have divine help if we only ask for it.

By Tanya Christiansen. Comments welcome on facebook or at

Have Faith in God, He will never forsake you!