Dream– Dare to dream for dreams often become reality but sometimes take much determination and hard work to achieve.

Enjoy Nature- Look for the beauty in God’s creations. We are blessed with each season that brings us a variety of colorful selections and smells.

Nourish- Eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and exercise to improve the quality and longevity of mortal life.

Think Positive– There is believed to be power in positive thinking. One might think it to be very similar to Faith. Remember Faith can move mountains.

Create- Create an environment of peace and love with traditions and memories that last forever.

Love Your Life– Look for the good in life and embrace it.

Family Time-Families come in all varieties but each member can be uplifted by spending time together and drawing on the strengths of each other.

FriendshipA true friend is a gift from God. A gift that lifts and loves without judgement.

Fitness– Becoming fit takes great discipline. You can’t cheat and expect it to work.

Gratitude- Being grateful makes what we have enough, in any and all circumstances.

Feed the Soul- There is no better or more satisfying food for our Spirits than the teachings of Christ.

The Crown- The teachings of the Bracelet, if followed, can help lead us home to our Father in Heaven where someday we will receive our Crown of Glory and Eternal Happiness!

By Tanya

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