I love this photo that perfectly depicts the characteristic of kindness. Why is it that little children are so quick to be kind? Quick to Love and quick to Forgive. For adults it isn’t always as easy, yet acts of kindness are surely what we all need. There is much to be learned from observing little children.

There is a primary song that teaches this principle perfectly:

I want to be kind to everyone for that is right you see, so I say to myself remember this, kindness begins with me.

What a simple yet great concept that short little song teaches! If you want others to be kind to you, be kind to others first. Just be kind always and in every situation. Of course that will require some strength and self control, especially when you are being treated rudely. But can you imagine what your self restraint could speak to others if you always act kind no matter what.

Kindness can be shown both in our actions and through the words we speak. Words are surprisingly very powerful both to build up and to tear down. Of course there will always be those times when we wish we hadn’t said something. Learning to take the time to choose our words carefully can make a big difference and possibly prevent someone from feeling hurt. A simple gesture such as a smile, hug or touching someone’s arm can say I care about you. I’m sure we can all agree that this world needs more Kindness.

So let a car go in front of you. Smile at someone who looks sad. Hold a door open for the elderly. Help a new neighbor who is moving in. Visit someone who is ill. You’ll be glad you did!

Follow the example of Christ and be Kind!