Photo by Troy Squillaci on

We all need to take an occasional break from the tasks of our normal day. To relax, to breathe or do whatever rejuvenates our bodies and our minds. I an writing this post while I am waiting to board a plane headed to the Hawaiin Islands to take a much needed break.

Stress affects people in different ways. I am a planner. Some act spontaneously. Sometimes I wish I didn’t always need a plan that gets me from point A to point B, But for me, that’s what works. Unfortunately there are always those unexpected things that have a way of appearing at the worst possible times and derail your plans.

It’s impossible to help others and accomplish things that you need or want to do when you have reached a point of exhaustion. Taking a little down time will not only benefit you but also benefit those around you.

What do you do when you take a break? Maybe you like to take a walk or listen to music… maybe even just sit quietly. Whatever it is that helps you relax can make a big difference in how you handle the challenges and tasks of each day.

Today I enjoyed my first day in Oahu, Hawaii, taking pictures and making plans for this week! It’s not everyday that I can fly to Hawaii to take a break but I at least try to do something each week that I enjoy if only for a short time.

Be Kind to Yourself and Take a Break! Aloha!

by Tanya Christiansen