a woman wetting her sandals in the beach
Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels.com

As humans we all have situations, where we feel comfortable and confident and also situations where we feel uncomfortable, hesitant and maybe even fearful. Our comfort zone is often our way of protecting ourselves from embarrassment or revealing our vulnerable side.

I grew up with a lack of confidence and many situations caused me to stay in that comfort zone. My home and driving my car became the only places where I really felt that I could relax. It has only been in the last seven or eight years that I have gained a desire to step out of my comfort zone.

For me it has taken alot of hard work and determination to put myself in those places and situations where I felt the most uncomfortable. But doing that is exactly what I needed to do if I was ever going to overcome those feelings of fear, worthlessness, and lack of confidence. I also had to look at the real me and learn to love myself with all of my flaws and imperfections. That has been extremely difficult!!!

I can testify that taking a few steps forward, (maybe in the darkness at first) you will eventually see the light. I have now spoke in front of large congregations several times which is something I said I would never do, and each time gets easier. I am better at making eye contact, speaking to someone before they speak to me, sharing things about myself, and accepting compliments. Those are just a few things that kept me in my comfort zone. I feel much happier and more confident than I have ever felt! I also have more friends who have added to my happiness. I know that I am a daughter of God and have the ability to succeed in anything I desire to accomplish!!!

You are the only one who can take those steps forward! If I can do it, you can do it too!!!

by Tanya Christiansen