man in blue denim vest holding microphone
Photo by Henri Mathieu-Saint-Laurent on

Having been one of the most introvert people I know, I have learned a thing or two about why you should stand tall and let your voice be heard! I thought for a lot of years that I really had nothing to offer to anyone and the cruelty of those who were quick to put me down, not listen and even verbally abuse, only validated the negative thoughts I already had about myself. It can take a lifetime to undo all the lies, misconceptions and negative remarks or actions that take a front row seat in your mind. Believe me….. this really can be true, because this is my story! Unfortunately I have lived this. And luckily I have risen above the damage caused to me as a person.

We have all been hurt at times by someone’s thoughtless words and I’m certain we have all been on the other end and said something we wish we hadn’t said. So make allowances and be forgiving!

Now getting to the good part of this post! And that’s YOU!!! STAND UP and SPEAK UP! Let the world know who YOU really are! Letting others know your experiences, what you believe, and what you value can open the doors of understanding, compassion and change! Words and actions are SO powerful. They can degrade or uplift. They can teach truth or instill lies. They can brighten ones day or fill a soul with darkness. Your opinion matters, your thoughts can enlighten. Living up to those valuable words you speak can influence others to change, to be better, to try harder. If you struggle with speaking up, believe in yourself. Believe that you have something worth saying. Follow those promptings within.

Perhaps those quiet whispers we hear in our mind and our hearts can be the loudest and the most influential of all. The deception of the adversary can make us think we are much less than we really are. On the flip side of that, the comforting and calming whispers of the Still Small Voice can bring peace and clarity and helps us to know of our divine nature as children of God. So Stand Up and Speak Up!!! Share those things you have learned during your journey on Earth!!!

Your words might be exactly what someone needs to hear!!!

by Tanya Christiansen