Sprintime is such an amazing time of year! I love watching my flowers bloom and my grass turn green. Such a warm welcome after the passing of cold winter months. With that warmth comes motivation and a new chance for me to accomplish some of the things I am struggling with.

Yesterday my granddaughter and I went to the store to pick up my order of rolls that were not quite ready when we arrived. We stood waiting, smelling the aroma of all the delicious baked goods for about fifteen minutes. ( Not a good choice when you are trying to diet.) As the time went on our strength to resist purchasing a tasty treat began to crumble. Before we knew it, we had succumbed to the aroma and made our selection.

Today in church one of the speakers told me exactly where I had gone wrong. He talked about how our desires and thoughts lead to our actions. I realized that if I had truly desired to stick to my diet I wouldn’t have put myself in harms way. I would have made a better choice such as walking around the store or waiting in my car til my order was ready. My thoughts and desire to enjoy that poppy seed muffin led to my action of purchasing and eating one.

I hope to spring forward and reach some of my goals this year. I know that I must nurture my soul and body by partaking of only good wholesome things both spiritually and physically. It is much the same with resisting the temptations of Satan. My thoughts and true desires will bring forth predictable results!

Spring forward this Spring and accomplish your hearts desire!

by Tanya Christiansen