I read a great article in a magazine Sunday morning titled “Catch the vision, share the vision.” This really got me thinking alot about physical vision versus spiritual vision.
I received my first pair of eye glasses in the second grade and have hated wearing glasses ever since. I’ve worn hard contacts and soft contacts with no success in getting use to them. So I’m back to glasses that I wear mostly when I drive. So the rest of the time I do a lot of squinting. I have actually missed out on seeing things as vibrant and clear as I should. Reading signs is difficult. And then I have those annoying floaters that jump in my vision path and make things even more distorted.
There is much that can be done these days with poor eye sight, and new procedures are developing all the time. But what about Spiritual vision. How clearly do you see and understand the purpose of life, why you are here in mortality and where you are going after you die??? Or is your spiritual vision muddy?
Much like my physical vision. I often take a moment or two to evaluate how clearly I am seeing and understanding those things that a wise and loving Father in Heaven desires for me to see. Just like eye glasses can correct and improve your physical vision, following the teachings of Jesus Christ can not only help us see our purpose from an Eternal Perspective, but it can also correct and improve our Spiritual Vision when it becomes cloudy. We are not meant to remain in the dark but to cling to the light which is His light, until it grows brighter and brighter!
I would love to hear your comments and ideas on spiritual vision. Write to me at ctr75@comcast.net
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