woman behind the plastic
YPhoto by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

It is my belief that we are all born with the ‘Light of Christ’ and hopefully at some point in our mortal existence we will question where we came from, why we are here on earth and what happens after we die. I like to think of those questions and answers as part of my Spiritual learning. I believe that I have Heavenly Parents who long to have me return home to them safely. They have given me a Savior to be an example and teacher who also died to make my safe return possible. I can learn to hear the promptings of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit who helps me discern between right and wrong. Unfortunately there is another referred to as Satan or the Adversary who desires to trap you and me in his webs of destruction.

There are a variety of reasons that one might suffer from Spiritual Entrapment. Some of those are a lack of knowledge and understanding, doubting and questioning those things you once believed were true, making poor choices, and maybe even getting caught up in worldly desires that look appealing but instead are harmful. One might not even recognize that they are trapped or stuck. The light of Christ is there to prompt each individual to choose carefully.

Imagine for a minute someone you deeply love who seems stuck or doesn’t seem to have any direction in their life. Maybe they are angry and can’t forgive or maybe they are making bad choices that are destructive to themselves and others. Because you love them you feel some of their pain and sorrow and likewise I’m certain our Heavenly Parents feel sorrow when we struggle. On the other hand the Adversary rejoices in our suffering. He loves to see us failing and hopes to destroy our chance of returning to our Heavenly Parents who wait to greet us with great blessings.

I lived a lot of years feeling trapped and not really knowing what direction I should take in my life. As a result of not really having a plan and not really knowing how to stand up for myself I fell into a lot of Satan’s webs. Some that were very harmful. So my life has truly been a learning process. But the good part of that is that I eventually learned what felt right and what felt wrong. The desire to feel good, safe and happy grew inside of me and continues to grow each day. I can’t even begin to describe with words the comparison between feeling like you are ruled by Satan and feeling like you are truly loved by your Father in Heaven and His Son and you are on the path to Eternal happiness. I am free from Spiritual Entrapment. I have a plan. I know where I am headed. I choose to follow the plan that my Father has for each of His children. The path you follow is a choice you make. I testify that we can find peace and joy in a world filled with turmoil.

Free yourself from Spiritual Entrapment and Come unto Christ!