father teaching his son how to ride a bike
Photo by Yan Krukov on Pexels.com

What do you think of when you read the word ‘Certitude’? Certitude means, perseverance, taking action with clarity, wholeheartedly, fearlessly, acting with confidence and strong belief or conviction. Having a rightful purpose.

We all serve someone, our families, friends, in our communities, in our churches, our work places and some serve in our country. We can even serve ourselves. We all serve in one way or another but do you serve with Certitude? Or are you just going through the motions?

For the first couple of years after my husband passed away I did not serve with Certitude. I was not positive or happy. My life felt over. I continued to serve my family and my church but my heart wasn’t in it. But as time went on and I began to look for opportunities to serve something miraculous happened. My broken heart began to heal and the more I served with the right attitude and with strong conviction to serve wholeheartedly with a purpose the more I wanted to serve. I believe there is power in serving those around us. When we truly desire to give 110 percent we end up gaining far more than we give.

Our Savior Jesus Christ is the best example we have of someone who served with His whole heart and His whole life. He was completely selfless and only thought of others. If parenting is wearing you down, or you have a boss who can’t see how valuable you are or maybe you have a broken friendship to mend…….give 110 percent and see what happens. Serve with love and determination. Give your best all the time everyday and feel the satisfaction and joy that comes from serving with Certitude!

Serving with your WHOLE HEART brings Strength and Healing!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

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