silhouette of a person standing on a rock

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could send a text message to our Father in Heaven and get a quick response back? Although seeking after divine inspiration isn’t quite that simple, there are ways provided by the Lord to communicate and receive inspiration and guidance.

In my experience over the years I have found that those times I have acted on my own without praying for guidance have often resulted in a poor outcome. I am a slow learner and truly putting my trust in the Lord has taken me a lifetime to learn. When I say ‘truly’ I mean with my whole soul, trusting that God knows better than I do what action I should take, if any. I rely heavy on the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost in all that I do.

Our Father in Heaven loves His children to call home and counsel with Him. He is always ready to give divine inspiration to those who seek after it. That inspiration will not always come when we expect it or in the way we expect it, but it will come. I often receive answers through the words and testimonies of others.

I am far from perfect but I do strive to live my life in a way that will qualify me to receive divine guidance. I desperately need inspired help from my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in all that I do!

I testify that the Lord loves you and will direct your journey on earth if you ask in faith!

Listen With Your Heart!!!

by Tanya Christiansen