There is so much turmoil and contention in this world today. I have been thinking alot lately about second chances. Where would any of us be if there were no second chances? Every night the sun sets and we expect it to rise again the next morning bringing with it another opportunity to be better than we were the day before.

It’s easy to extend to ourselves chance after chance to improve, to be kinder, more forgiving, better parents, and better neighbors…. but do we extend to others the same courtesy? I have to admit having been a victim of abuse I have had years of holding grudges and not letting things go. That has certainly been my number one challenge to overcome in this life……. with trusting again, my second challenge. Even those who deliberately hurt others deserve second chances, third and even fourth.

The gift of each new day comes from a loving Heavenly Father who loves all of His children and knows we will all make mistakes. He has given His Son to pay the price for all wrong doings and sins. It is our duty to forgive and let go of all ill feelings that keep us from giving second chances to those we come in contact with.

I testify that letting go of grudges and allowing others the same courtesy and respect that we desire for ourselves will bring more peace into your life. God will take care of all injustices. It is not necessary for us to carry those burdens. Jesus Christ has already paid for all suffering of every kind. His great Atonement offers repentance and forgiveness to all.

Let It Go And Find Peace

by Tanya Christiansen