close up photo of cat lying on table

What does it mean to rest and recharge? Time seems to go faster and faster when in all reality it is the choices we make each hour of each day that make us feel that time is always one step ahead, leaving us feeling like we will never catch up.

Have you ever heard someone say “where did the time go?” When did that cute little boy grow up and turn into such a wonderful young man. My children are grown and gone and most of my grand children are now young adults and I ask myself that question? Where did the time go?

Take the time every now and then to rest and recharge and look and see the fruition of your efforts and hard work. There will always be more time! It will never run out! It’s ok to rest along the way and more importantly….resting will restore the energy you need to proceed with accomplishing all that you desire to accomplish.

Rest, recharge and then..go after it!!!

By Tanya Christiansen