sea flight flying ocean
Photo by Julia Volk on

I recently flew to Missouri to visit my niece and her family and to see some historical sites I have been wanting to visit for along time. While I was on the plane I was able to watch our course of travel on a monitor in front of me. When we reached the halfway point the pilot announced that he would be taking a little detour around a storm to avoid some rough turbulence. The pilot’s main objective was to reach his desired destination in a timely and safe manner.

Do you have a course of travel as you go through life? Are you following a map? What is your desired destination? Satan is alert and ready to persuade you to take a different path. His goal is to lead all of us down paths of destruction so that we are miserable like unto himself. The youth of today have so many barriers to face as they grow and develop. Having a plan or goal is detrimental to their safety as well as adults as we journey through mortality.

I have often ran into barriers as I go through life that require me to take little detours here and there as I work towards my Eternal destination which is returning to my Heavenly parents. Arriving at that destination is so important to me now!!! I say Now because I haven’t always felt that way. I totally fell off course at one point in my life. I felt that I would never get back to a path of peace and comfort. But through a desire, effort and repentance I am headed in a much better direction with my eye and heart on the place I want to end up. I am certain there will be storms ahead of me but I am much better prepared to get through them without being thrown off course.

Have you given serious thought to where you are headed or where your children are headed? Where do you want them to end up? And do you have the determination to reach your own destination. The storms of life will always present theirselves in the middle of our paths making it necessary for us to go around them or take shelter until they pass. Our Father in Heaven is ready to help navigate our journey if we only ask Him.

Make a Plan and Arrive There Safely!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome

Related posts at sharelift, ‘Lost Sheep’ and ‘The Storms Life’.