high angle photo of woman on ladder
Photo by Samantha Garrote on Pexels.com

From the moment we were born into this world of mortality, reaching milestones became a part of who we would become. Some would have challenges from the very moment of there first breath bringing a milestone of surviving through the night, while others would follow a different pattern of developmental milestones depending on environment, inherited genes and the determination to succeed.

An Olympian gymnast didn’t make it to the Olympics by reaching one milestone but instead by reaching possibly thousands of smaller milestones along the way. Determination, patience and thinking positive play a big part in reaching those goals and milestones we have set for ourselves.

While going through some of my moms papers this weekend I came across these words she had written:

  1. Set a definite goal.
  2. Quit running yourself down.
  3. Forget about the reasons you can’t be a success and think of the reasons why you can.
  4. Where did you first get the idea you couldn’t be a success.
  5. Change the image of yourself by writing out a description of the person you would like to become.
  6. Act the part of the person you want to be.

Our Father in Heaven placed us on Earth to walk by Faith and grow both physically and spiritually. He is cheering us on and is there to assist us in reaching those milestones. He sent His Son Jesus Christ to carry our burdens and give us peace. He gave us the Holy Ghost to help us stay on the right path. He put us in families so we could lift and encourage each other.

As children of God we are destined for success! Believe in yourself and reach those Milestones!

by Tanya Christiansen