My late husband was very artistic, and I’m sure still is. Each of his children inherited some of that talent in different degrees. It has been a joy to watch them progress in this area.

For the past few years my oldest daughter has been learning acrylic painting. The painting above is one of her most recent. She has spent alot of time practicing and learning new techniques to increase the beauty of each painting.

Life in general takes practice and lots of it. Perfection may be impossible to achieve in this mortal life but practicing is something we can do. I love to play the piano and even though sometimes a piece will come easily, it is the practicing over and over that helps me to perfect it. A difficult piece almost comes naturally after many hours of practice, but when I stop practicing for a period of time and go back to a piece I once knew, I find that I have lost the ability to play it well.

Mortal life is a test. We are learning the skills and gaining the knowledge that we need to be truly happy. There will be many stumbles and falls along the way. But continuing forward and trying again and again will bring great rewards. Practicing those worthwhile things that we learn will become part of who we are and who we want to become.

Our Heavenly Father desires for His children to learn and grow. He has blessed each of us with talents and abilities waiting to be discovered and developed.

Practice Makes Perfect Eventually!!!