Hi Everyone,
This week I want to share with you one of my many imperfections. And that is Perfectionism. Of course it is great to have a desire to succeed. Always striving to do our best can improve our sense of self. But it can also be damaging if we set the bar too high. What is your definition of Perfect? I believe that progression is vital to becoming the person our Father in Heaven desires for us to be. But how do you feel when your decisions and actions fall below your idea of perfection? Do you beat yourself up for days or do you focus on the efforts you did make, realizing that tomorrow is another day and you can try again?
My need to be Perfect started at a very young age. I developed the misconception that in order to feel loved and accepted that I had to perform perfectly. As I have learned in counseling, I set the bar way too high for myself. This misconception in my head was not about pushing myself to achieve, but instead it was about performing to belong. I also felt that I couldn’t say no to anything or anyone. This idea actually got me into some very bad situations where I felt that it was better to go along with what was being asked than to be rejected or exposed as a failure.
Our Father in Heaven did not put us here in mortality to become perfect. He put us here to learn and grow, knowing that we would make many mistakes. In the scriptures we are taught, “Be ye therefore perfect”. A wise Bishop once taught me to add the word ‘Eventually‘ to the end of that scripture.
Our Savior Jesus Christ payed for all of those times that we make mistakes and fail to be perfect. None of us will reach Perfection in this life. The important thing is that we pick ourselves up and try again. Tomorrow is another day! Be kind to yourself! I would love to hear your comments and insights on perfectionism. You can comment here, or write me on facebook or at ctr75@comcast.net. Have a great Imperfect day!