Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

A Sense of Belonging

a person standing on the rock near the sea
Where do we fit in this big Universe?

As one of God’s greatest creations it is normal for humans to have a sense or desire of belonging. A sense of belonging is also like finding your purpose in life. Where do you fit or feel comfortable?

We can feel a sense of belonging in our families, our friendships, and from those we serve. I believe we are born with these built in desires. It is our nature as children of God. This desire inside of us will often drive us to search and seek after our purpose in life which will hopefully and eventually lead us back to our Creator…. Our Father.

The adversary will use our sense of belonging to deceive us. He knows we want to belong to something that makes us feel safe and comfortable. He will do everything in his power to lead us astray where we will be miserable as he is.

Let your sense of belonging lead you back to your Heavenly home, to the arms of your Heavenly Parents! There you will find peace and rest! That is where you belong!!!

Be strong and find the place where you belong!

by Tanya Christiansen

The Power of Example

The Savior Jesus Christ taught by example

We all learn by the example of those around us and the environment we are exposed to. Example is very powerful in influencing the way a person perceives life and what is important or not. My little three year old grandson is like a sponge soaking up the world around him. He has a great imagination and loves to emulate those things he sees and hears. He copies his siblings and adults, repeating their words and actions. He is very entertaining to watch! As he grows and learns he will figure out that he is not a Rhino or a Dinosaur, nor can he ride a scooter as well as his seventeen year old brother. But he will choose to follow some of those examples that he has been exposed to, good or bad.

It took me a lot of years to decide whose example I would follow. I didn’t have a clear perception of what would bring true happiness. That was partly my own fault because of the places and people I chose to expose myself to. But over time the example of a few great people I admired, helped me to choose a better path. I am where I am today because of the example of others. I will be forever grateful!!!

Our Savior Jesus Christ taught by example. He washed the feet of His disciples to teach one of the greatest principles of His gospel, and that was to ‘Love and Serve One Another’. You may not realize it but you are being watched by your children, by your peers, by the young and the old. Someone see’s you when you lose your temper. Someone hears your unkind words. But someone also see your goodness, your values and the good choices you make. Your actions today will help shape the rising generation which includes my three year old grandson. There is no greater example than the perfect life of our Savior Jesus Christ. If we could implement just one of the Saviors attributes and truly live it, we would help make this world a better place!

by Tanya Christiansen

Let Your Example Be Worth Following!

Walking By Faith

a woman in brown turtle neck shirt with a black blindfold
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

Walking by Faith is alot like having a blindfold on. You have no recollection of your pre-earth life and you most definitely will need some guidance and direction to get through mortality safely and without too many bumps and falls. Although…… it’s those bumps and falls that will strengthen your resolve to continue to walk by Faith. Your Father in Heaven has not left you without a helping hand. If you take it, He will guide you exactly where you need to go and give you the direction that will eventually lead you back to your heavenly home.

Where can you find the direction you need? There are so many ways we can feel that guidance while we have a blindfold on. The power of prayer is one of the most significant forms of personal revelation we can receive. Through the power of the Holy Ghost we can receive answers to life’s most difficult questions and gain the knowledge needed to manuever our way through twists and turns without falling off the path that leads us home.

I personally have found guidance and solutions to life’s problems in the scriptures. It seems that often answers I am seeking for come to me as I read the scriptures. The scriptures also teach about the Savior Jesus Christ who led a perfect life and desires for all mankind to follow him. He has paid the price for our mistakes that may throw us off course for a time. But if we continue to walk by Faith and trust in our Savior we will soon be back on the covenant path. My knowledge and testimony of Jesus Christ make walking by Faith so much easier!

We are all on this amazing journey to find our way back home! If we reach out and help each other and turn to our Father in Heaven for guidance it will be as if the blindfold has been removed and we can see clearly!!!

Keep Walking, You will get there!!!

By Tanya Christiansen

Irrational Comparisons

a grayscale of a balance scale

How many times have you compared your worst with someone else’s best? That use to be something I did alot…. its no wonder I always came up short and feeling like I failed. Do you view others as having it all together? Successful and totally happy? If you could look on the inside of that person who seems to be doing everything right, I can guarantee that you would find them to have their own set of struggles and weaknesses. We all have them no matter how we appear on the outside.

I personally feel that sharing those weaknesses and showing our vulnerable side can not only benefit ourselves, but can also help others to stop making irrational comparisons. This mortal life, (or test) is just as it should be. Our Heavenly Father loves His children so much that he wants us to grow, and growth comes through the struggles and trials we each encounter during our lives. The scriptures teach that there needs to be opposition in all things. There cannot be happiness without sorrow or success without failure.

So be kind to yourselves!!! As long as you are putting one foot in front of the other you are doing just fine!!! Irrational comparisons will only add to the struggles you are already having. Just do your best!!!

Your Father in Heaven Loves Effort, Even if That Effort is Small!

Dare to Stand Alone

woman in white long sleeved top and skirt standing on field
Photo by Deden Dicky Ramdhani on

Last week in church I heard the testimony of a young woman who did just exactly what my post is about. She stood up with courage in her college class asking a question and defending her beliefs. I believe we will all encounter something similar sometime in our lives. Being true to one’s self might require that we, Dare to Stand Alone.

Our Father in Heaven has given each of us the opportunity to come to earth to gain a physical body and to grow and learn. We all develop our own feelings, opinions and beliefs which might not always be in harmony with others. Daring to stand alone when our beliefs are challenged shows courage, integrity and strength. The things you stand for may or may not be received well by others.

The way we act and the words we speak, can improve or damage the moral culture that surrounds us. Our example has an impact on our families as well as our community.

The just man walks in his integrity.” Proverbs 20:7

Know who you are, what you believe and Dare to Stand Alone!

by Tanya Christiansen

Birthday Memories

Birthdays are only one of the many celebrations that bring families together for laughter and fun! However, the passing of loved ones, change those days to something different. Since my husband has been gone I have never really thought of those days to be bad days….but just more of a day to reflect and remember.

Today is my late husband’s birthday! Before he passed….. tonight would have been a celebration filling our home with the laughter of little children running and playing as their Grandpa teased them and showed them magic tricks. Then we would have chocolate cake and mint chocolate chip icecream, which was his favorite. Opening gifts was the best part of the celebration because he would put each gift on top of his head while his super powers would reveal to him what was inside. (Something he learned from his Dad.) His guess was usually right! The kids would giggle and laugh as each gift was opened.

Memories can help us get through hard days as we reflect on happy times with those we love who have passed on. The knowledge of Eternal Life can bring us joy as we look forward to being with those we love again!

Memories Can Bring A Smile To Your Face and Warmth to Your Heart!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

The Root of All Evil

gray trunk green leaf tree beside body of water
Photo by Daniel Watson on

The roots of large trees often heave up through the ground with great force taking over anything causing resistance, pushing it aside to make it’s appearance. These large roots can be a burden as they bust through level surfaces with roughness. Likewise money…..often referred to as the ‘root of all evil’ can disrupt our lives in a negative way causing greed, jealousy, and even hatred. Having an abundance of money or a lack of it can poison our souls, rip relationships apart and even provoke crimes to be committed.

Today as I listened to the General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, my strongest impression was ‘Being in the World Without Being of the World’. Money is only one of the many worldly things that can either help us or hurt us. The adversary promotes the idea that you must have fame and fortune to be successful and happy. Values are diminishing. Marriage and raising a family are being adopted as an old fashion idea. Many of the youth today have no desire to marry and have children.

My husband made $2.85 an hour when we first got married. We lived from paycheck to paycheck, eating what my grown children now call ‘poor man’s food’. But… we were Rich!!! We still are rich!!! While money will always be needed to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads it will never replace the richness of the Kingdom of God with its glory and beauty for that is where our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ dwell. That is the only place we will ever be truly Rich!!!

Luke 18:25- For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.

The Light Will Come

Photo taken by my daughter Britanie

We all experience times in our lives when we feel engulfed with darkness wondering if we will ever see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately we can’t choose when that light will come that brings relief……but we can continue to hope for better days ahead, focussing on those things we have to be grateful for.

Focus is a key word in seeing the light. Where is your focus? Is it on those wrongs that others have done to you or is it on the goodness and blessings we can all find if we look deep enough. Sometimes we are the one blocking the light.

There is light all around us… people we interact with each day, in words and music we hear that lifts us and even within ourselves. Light brings strength and comfort. It is possible to see the light even when we are surrounded by darkness. As we seek after light the darkness will fade away.

Jesus Christ brings light because he is full of light and goodness. There is warmth and peace that come when we follow the teachings of Christ. There is no greater light than He who suffered and died for you and for me!

Open Your Eyes and See the Light!

by Tanya Christiansen

Comments welcome on facebook.

Take Time to Smell the Roses

plant flower rose bloom
Photo by Pixabay on

My mother grew the most beautiful roses and often sent me home a beautiful bouquet of them to enjoy at my home. There’s just something about the delicate and intricate design of a rose joined with it’s sweet fragrance that draws you in.

As I have pondered this memory from the past I have wondered about my focus in the present. I have been so consumed with cleaning out the home of my parents that I have let some important and meaningful things slide. I feel like I am a little bit off course. I know that I need to take the time to ‘Smell the Roses’ and do those things that strengthen my soul and show my love to those around me!

I know the goal of cleaning out and selling that large home will eventually be met and I will return to the life I knew before. But in the meantime, it isn’t beneficial for me to forget those things that give my life meaning and purpose, even if I think I am too busy to partake. I should always Partake no matter what!!!

Only you know what ‘Smelling the Roses’ means to you. For me it is partaking of the teachings of Jesus Christ and serve him, communicating with my Father in Heaven, spending time with family and friends, and taking care of myself physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Feed Your Soul by Taking the Time to Smell the Roses!!!

Built Upon a Rock

stacked of stones outdoors

This post is about the ‘Rock‘ upon which I have built my life. The ‘Rock‘ that supports me and keeps me from crumbling. The ‘Rock‘ that stands firm beneath me and holds me up during the hardships of life!

Think for a minute about building a house. The Foundation is one of the most important aspects of the structure. This concrete and metal foundation must support the weight of the whole house. This foundation holds the house in place and stops the house from being washed or blown away by the elements.

Likewise I would testify that building ones life upon the rock of Jesus Christ will bring you truth and stability that will never waiver. If you build upon this solid foundation by keeping all of God’s commandments and inviting Jesus Christ to be apart of every aspect of your life, you will be strengthened and feel His support when the winds blow and the storms come. And though you may be tossed about and shaken for a bit you will not crumble.

I know for a certainty of the words I speak! For a time… foundation was one of sand that did crumble and wash away, taking me with it. I have tasted of the despair of being broken. I have truly lived in darkness. Jesus Christ is the light and the Rock that supports, heals, and lifts!

Build Upon Jesus Christ for the strength to weather life’s storms.

Helaman 5:12

And now, my sons, (and daughters) remember remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer who is Christ, the Son of God, that you must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation. A foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.”

by Tanya Christiansen

other related post: A Firm Foundation

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