Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Drawing Near To God

Drawing closer to God begins with Faith and Hope. Wondering first… if there is a God in Heaven. Exercising enough faith to search for answers about your own existence, and hope that there is more to life than mortality. Some may never question while others may search a lifetime for answers.

Just as our bodies need nourishment so does our Faith. I can’t think of a better way to learn about faith and hope than by reading Alma in the Book of Mormon which is another testament of Jesus Christ.

Alma 32:28

“Now, we will compare the word (faith) unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart. Behold if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves–It must needs be that this is a good seed. Or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.”

Simply by entertaining the possibility of a God or Father in Heaven and planting that seed of Faith in your heart and nourishing it through prayer and scripture study consistently will not only increase your understanding and belief but will most surely draw you closer to God and to His son Jesus Christ.

I testify that this is true. I have tested the words of Alma. I cannot deny the existence of my Father in Heaven. I feel His love through the power of the Holy Ghost. I feel His hand in my life!

Plant the seeds of Faith and Hope and feel the love of God.

Practice Makes Perfect

My late husband was very artistic, and I’m sure still is. Each of his children inherited some of that talent in different degrees. It has been a joy to watch them progress in this area.

For the past few years my oldest daughter has been learning acrylic painting. The painting above is one of her most recent. She has spent alot of time practicing and learning new techniques to increase the beauty of each painting.

Life in general takes practice and lots of it. Perfection may be impossible to achieve in this mortal life but practicing is something we can do. I love to play the piano and even though sometimes a piece will come easily, it is the practicing over and over that helps me to perfect it. A difficult piece almost comes naturally after many hours of practice, but when I stop practicing for a period of time and go back to a piece I once knew, I find that I have lost the ability to play it well.

Mortal life is a test. We are learning the skills and gaining the knowledge that we need to be truly happy. There will be many stumbles and falls along the way. But continuing forward and trying again and again will bring great rewards. Practicing those worthwhile things that we learn will become part of who we are and who we want to become.

Our Heavenly Father desires for His children to learn and grow. He has blessed each of us with talents and abilities waiting to be discovered and developed.

Practice Makes Perfect Eventually!!!

Looking Back

car side mirror showing heavy traffic

I have learned not to spend alot of time ‘looking back’ unless there are lessons that can be learned. All we really have is the ‘here and now‘ and of course our memories and our future. I hope this post will motivate you to do some comparisons of where you and your loved ones have been and where you are headed.

These past several months I have been watching the youth of today, my own grandchildren and just all children and youth in general. I believe that technology and the cunning grip of the adversary is taking them away….. and not always to good places! Away from their families and other loved ones. Away from good wholesome activities that build self esteem and confidence. Away from learning without always turning to their electronic devices. Away from the desire to marry and have a family. Away from God, their Heavenly Father.

Looking back many years I remember, board games, puzzles, sleep overs at Grandma’s, ‘kick the can’ and no bears are out tonight. Bike rides, camping, piano lessons, running through the sprinklers, scavenger hunts, selling koolaid, learning how to tell time. (Which some of my older grandchildren can’t do), cursive writing and long division. Dinnertime conversations, and going for long walks. Most of these things would be considered boring in this modern world.

The youth today seem to have less interest in marrying and becoming parents. High standards and values are declining. Anxiety and depression is on the rise and if you don’t have a 4.0 or a full ride scholarship you are classified a ‘loser’. Kids are even confused about their gender. They deal with extreme pressure on a daily basis. Pressure to succeed, pressure to fit in and feel loved.

I’m not by any means qualified to give professional answers to the things happening in the world today. I am just a very concerned grandparent. I want my grandchildren to be successful and happy. I want them to know their worth as a son or daughter of God!

What do you see when you look back? Can it help you and those you love to have a better future?

by Tanya Christiansen

A New Beginning

happy new year text

As I sit here this Sunday morning watching the soft white snow fall to the earth covering the old and presenting the new, clean and pure, I realize the gift of each new day. What a blessing we are offered when the sun rises giving us the opportunity to try again, to start fresh and to repent of our mistakes and wrong doings.

Often change takes hard work, whether it is being kinder or breaking a bad habit that has controlled you for alot of years. But the good news is….it is possible!!! Don’t think for a moment that you can’t do it because it is just too hard. You can!!! That’s exactly where you start, by telling yourself that you can!!!

Prayer can be a powerful tool in helping you make changes. Your Father in Heaven is there to assist and strengthen you no matter what you are trying to overcome. With the help of Jesus Christ and His Atonement, I have not only been able to overcome bitterness towards those who have hurt me but I have also been able to give my burden of past mistakes and sin to my Savior.

Take advantage of each day that offers you and me a New Beginning. Set reasonable and reachable goals. Let family and friends help you to change by asking for their support and encouragement.

Let 2023 be your year of progress and change! You can do it!!!

by Tanya Christiansen. Thank you to all of you who read my weekly posts.

Scroll down for other related posts of mine: ‘Second Chances’ and ‘A Season of Change

The Symbols of Christmas

christmas cookies on white ceramic bowl

Anyone who celebrates Christmas has most likely heard about the ‘symbolism’ behind common Christmas decor. As I have slowly decorated my home these past couple of weeks I have pondered what these different items remind me of and the feelings they stir within me.

The Evergreen Tree reminds me of Eternal Life for its green color and fragrance that lasts all year long, just as we will be ressurected and live forever. Many of its branches point heavenward which is a great reminder that we can always turn to God, Our Heavenly Father.

The Candy Cane reminds me of the Sheperds crook which was used to manage and pull the lambs back to the fold. I have personally felt the Sheperd even Jesus Christ pull me back to the fold through His leaders and teachers who serve diligently. I would be a lost lamb without them.

The Color Red which is so abundant at Christmas time is bitter sweet to me as I think of the blood spilt by our Savior Jesus Christ when He died for each of us. It brings Joy to my heart to know that His Atonement makes it possible for me to be with my husband and loved ones again after my journey on earth is over. There are many more messages of Christmas to be taught as we ponder the symbolism behind the angel, the bell, the candlestick, the wise men, the star, the gift, and the manger. What does Christmas mean to you?

May Christmas last for 365 days!!! Merry Christmas!

by Tanya Christiansen

Joy to the World

A babe born in Bethlehem, even Jesus Christ,
brings glad tidings
of great Joy to all people!

I recently had the opportunity to write a Christmas program for my church. I couldn’t stop thinking about the familiar Christmas hymn ‘Joy to the World.’ Do we really understand the significance behind the word ‘joy‘ as we sing that beautiful hymn? Do we recognize and understand all the wonderful blessings that are available to all mankind because of a babe born in Bethlehem?

Jesus Christ led a perfect life and showed by example the way we should live and treat one another. He knelt and washed the feet of His disciples to teach mankind to love and serve.

At a time in my life when I didn’t want to continue and I felt completely broken, serving others literally saved me. There is great joy to be found when we turn our hearts outward to the needs of others.

Because of the birth and life of this tiny baby and His infinite Atonement and Resurrection, all mankind will be resurrected. What greater joy can there be than Eternal life with those we love!

May we all look outward this Holiday Season and find true joy as we serve and love our neighbor! Merry Christmas!

by Tanya Christiansen

Stay on the Covenant Path

narrow path in daitoku ji temple zen garden
Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata on

As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, I believe in making and keeping sacred covenants and promises. One might think that keeping covenants restricts a person’s joy, when in fact it is quite the opposite. I wish I could adequately describe the joy and security I feel having covenants in place that not only strengthen my relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ but also protect me from the enticing voice of the adversary.

Keeping or breaking promises tells you alot about a person. Trust is strengthened or broken. Relationships thrive or become damaged. Joy increases or diminishes.

Do you have a covenant path? If so where does it lead you? Does it bring you joy and security? I testify that there is no greater covenant you can make than to follow Jesus Christ. He will never break His promise to always be there for you. He will lift and strengthen you and carry you when you can’t stand on your own.

Walking on the Lord’s Covenant Path will bring you experiences that will help you grow spiritually!

by Tanya Christiansen

For another related post read ‘Turning Point.’

Gentle Persuasion

I’ve been thinking all week about gentle persuasion and how it has affected my life both in a great and positive way and also in a ‘not so good way.’ Today I saw this tall grass being gently persuaded by the soft wind that was blowing and I knew I had to get out of my car and take a picture.

I learned alot when my kids were young and growing up. Gentle persuasion with kindness and love always had better results than sterness. We are all affected by some form of persuasion whether it is direct through a person encouraging us or less direct like the example of someone or words spoken that penitrate our heart and cause us to act or change our behavior.

Our Father in Heaven has given His children the Holy Ghost to encourage, comfort and direct through gentle persuasion. Only you know how the Spirit speaks to you, but most often it will be gentle. The Holy Ghost will softly persuade you to come unto Christ if you open your heart to his guidance.

Unfortunately not all gentle persuasion is good. I learned in a very personal way that satan also persuades very gently in a manner to deceive you. He is clever in his ability to make harmful and destructive things appear pleasant and inviting. I fell into his gentle persuasion that quickly became unpleasant and harmful to my soul. I personally experienced spiritual entrapment where I felt I was not growing closer to my Savior but instead feeling more distant from Him.

Unlike the tempting and enticing persuasion of satan, the Lord Jesus Christ will never persuade us through the Holy Ghost in a harmful way. We will always have our agency to choose whether or not we will follow those gentle promptings. Keeping the commandments of God will protect us from the evil temptations of the adversary so that we are not led astray. I will be forever grateful for a Father in Heaven who loved me enough to help me change my ways through the gentle persuasion of the Holy Ghost.

Listen and seek after the gentle promptings of the Holy Ghost that will help guide you home to your Father in Heaven.

by Tanya Christiansen

Feast Upon His Words

family celebrating christmas while holding burning sparklers
Photo by Nicole Michalou on

The holiday celebrations often bring families and friends together to partake of shared stories, one another’s company and usually… a great feast. When I think of the word ‘feast‘ I think of some of my favorite foods with their amazing flavors. I am so blessed that my mom was an excellent cook and taught me well. But unfortunately second and third helpings can disrupt my physical well being. I guess you can get too much of a good thing, at least when it comes to good food.

Feasting upon the words of Christ is sweet and savory and you can eat all you want… even if you feel full you can always take in more! I love the Holy Scriptures and the words of ancient and modern day leaders and prophets. One thing they all have in common is to testify of Jesus Christ and teach our Father’s plan. If we partake of this great feast we will be filled to the brim with everything good and wholesome!!!

Reading the scriptures can open that communication between you and your Father in Heaven as you seek to understand His will for you. He has preserved His written word and teachings from ancient times to the present day. Answers to life’s most complex problems can be found in the scriptures! Peace and strength will increase as we open our hearts and minds to the teachings of Jesus Christ and implement them into our lives.

2nd Nephi 31:20

“Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ. And endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: ye shall have eternal life.”

Feed Your Soul By Feasting On The Lord’s Words!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Grateful In Any Circumstance

thank you written on paper
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on

November is often a time of deep reflection on those things we have to be grateful for. Although… at times, it can be difficult to recognize what those blessings are. I have been there. Sometimes I would get so wrapped up in those things I had lost or didn’t have that I couldn’t see the blessings that were right in front of my eyes!

I believe feeling grateful is a choice we make just like being happy! During one of the most challenging times of my life a wise friend encouraged me to write down ten things each day that I was grateful for. It was really difficult in the beginning. I soon learned that my focus was mostly on the negative things I had experienced. Things that I felt were wrongfully taken from me, the things I didn’t have that I wanted, mistakes I had made, loved ones who were suffering and many who had passed to the other side far too early. It took a conscious effort for me to see the positive and good things in my life. I continued to write down those things I had to be grateful for which became easier as time went on. I can testify that it is possible to be grateful in any circumstance!

The three things that helped me to feel grateful:

1. Praying to my Father in Heaven to be able to recognize my blessings.

2. Paying more attention to those people and things going on around me and serving others when possible.

3. Keeping an Eternal Perspective and reminding myself that this life is a test and by following Jesus Christ I can be strengthened to endure the hardships of mortality and still be grateful for my many blessings.

I am so grateful for so many things!!! I cannot say thank you enough to my Father in Heaven for all I have been blessed with!

Be Grateful and Count Your Many Blessings!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Other related post, ‘Tossed To and Fro’


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