Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone

a woman wetting her sandals in the beach
Photo by Taryn Elliott on

As humans we all have situations, where we feel comfortable and confident and also situations where we feel uncomfortable, hesitant and maybe even fearful. Our comfort zone is often our way of protecting ourselves from embarrassment or revealing our vulnerable side.

I grew up with a lack of confidence and many situations caused me to stay in that comfort zone. My home and driving my car became the only places where I really felt that I could relax. It has only been in the last seven or eight years that I have gained a desire to step out of my comfort zone.

For me it has taken alot of hard work and determination to put myself in those places and situations where I felt the most uncomfortable. But doing that is exactly what I needed to do if I was ever going to overcome those feelings of fear, worthlessness, and lack of confidence. I also had to look at the real me and learn to love myself with all of my flaws and imperfections. That has been extremely difficult!!!

I can testify that taking a few steps forward, (maybe in the darkness at first) you will eventually see the light. I have now spoke in front of large congregations several times which is something I said I would never do, and each time gets easier. I am better at making eye contact, speaking to someone before they speak to me, sharing things about myself, and accepting compliments. Those are just a few things that kept me in my comfort zone. I feel much happier and more confident than I have ever felt! I also have more friends who have added to my happiness. I know that I am a daughter of God and have the ability to succeed in anything I desire to accomplish!!!

You are the only one who can take those steps forward! If I can do it, you can do it too!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Climb Every Mountain

two person near cliff taken
Photo by Simon Berger on

It takes great skill to get to the top of steep mountains. Rock climbers use special equipment such as rope, belay device, harness, carabiner, quick draws, climbing cams, chalk and tape to ensure safety and success. They also wear a helmet and climbing shoes. Without this equipment they would be taking a great risk of failure, injury and possibly death.

Life is much the same as we all experience our own mountains of difficult things. We aren’t able to go through those mountains but we can climb to the top of them where we will find peace and rest.

Just like a professional rock climber we need tools and other devices that will help us climb every mountain that life presents. Mountains are different in size, depth and incline. So are the hardships of life. Personal preparedness plays a big part in the ability and skill we have to climb those mountains. Expecting that life will present challenges can help us be more prepared when those hard things come.

Some of my safety equipment is the support of family and friends, uplifting articles and music, scriptures, prayer and counting the blessings I do have. Trusting my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ gives me the strength I need to find relief from those difficult things I face! I testify from my own experience that it is totally worth climbing until you find peace and rest!

Keep climbing, the view at the top is breath taking!

by Tanya Christiansen

Overcoming Weaknesses

man in green t shirt and gray pants walking on stone pavement carrying bag and load on shoulder
Photo by Yusuf sinan on

Overcoming weaknesses might sometimes feel like carrying a big load and as much as we strive to overcome them they continue to show up. As humans we all have them, some great and some small but none the less something we wish to be free of! It doesn’t do any good to compare yourself to others. He who appears to be perfect has weaknesses too!

Ether 12:27

“And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.”

Without weaknesses we would never know strength. Opposition is part of our Heavenly Father’s plan. It is through those weaknesses that we become humble and experience the kind of growth that helps us turn to God in faith. And then…in time..we overcome and find strength.

Overcoming weaknesses not only humbles and strengthens our soul, it also builds confidence and self esteem. As we feel stronger we realize that change is possible with God’s help!

Through prayer and faith God will reveal our weaknesses and help us to overcome them!

by Tanya Christiansen

Letters From Home

shallow focus photo of mail envelope on newspaper
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

Thinking back to 1972 when it was common for people to actually write with a pen, letters from home were something that I looked forward to! I was young and married and living in a little tiny trailer house far away from home. Receiving letters and cards in the mail had a way of lifting my spirits.

This world is so wrapped up in technology and electronics that I can’t help feeling that we are losing sight of those precious and simple things such as an expression of love in a heartfelt letter to someone you care about. (With a pen.) I too am guilty of grabbing my phone to shoot off a quick text to someone, all too often. There’s just something more personal and more thoughtful about written words. And somehow a letter in my mailbox means more to me than a text or email.

Our Heavenly Father longs to communicate with each of His children. The Holy Scriptures are letters from home…. our Heavenly Home. So many times when I have been reading the scriptures I have felt as if a certain passage was written just for me…..just like a letter in the mail. With that passage comes a feeling that I matter to someone even when I feel that no one cares!

Pick up a pen and write to someone you care about!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Leaving The Past Behind

unrecognizable woman jogging along footpath in park

We all have a ‘past‘ wether it was yesterday, last week, last year… or many years ago. Your past may have been something you learned from, something with fond memories or something traumatic that won’t let your mind rest. Dwelling on anything from the past excessively can prevent you from finding joy in the present and hope in the future.

Losing a loved one can make it difficult to move forward. I use to think that grieving somehow measured how much I loved that person and to move forward would show a lack of love. I know now that my loved ones who have passed on would want me to find joy in my life.

Past mistakes are much the same. When you have done all you can to right a wrong, let it go so you can find peace. And when others have done wrong by you, forgive and let God be the judge. Don’t let that person rob you of another day of peace and joy!

Our memories are there to remind us, console us, and teach us, but they are not meant to consume us. Some memories may haunt us more than they help us.

I have lived being consumed by my past to the point of it making me physically ill. If dwelling on your past is hurting your well being then let it go! You can find joy in the present and look forward to the future!!!

Keep the Past where it belongs… the Past!

by Tanya Christiansen

Think About It!

man in black hoodie sitting on bench near green trees
Photo by Chinmay Singh on

The majority of actions come from thinking about it first. One of my purposes with this blog is to give you something to think about which hopefully brings positive results.

Our brains are like sponges soaking up thoughts that result from our experiences and those people and things we are exposed to day after day. All knowledge comes from listening, watching, thinking and putting those things into action.

We have probably all experienced making decisions too quickly before we really took the time to think it through. Thinking carefully plays a big part in what the outcome will be. Have you ever blurted out some words and wish you could take them back?

I love putting my thoughts on paper then really looking at them. Writing in journals is a great way to share your deepest thoughts. Pondering before we act is a good way to ensure that the results will be what we had hoped for!!!

Think it through, you’ll be glad you did!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

The Red White and Blue

person showing usa flag
Photo by Brett Sayles on

“I pledge alligence to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

I remember never missing a day of reciting the Pledge at school. It is sadly not the case today. It is an honor and privilege to be an American! Also something overlooked by many.

Red– being the color of blood stands for courage and sacrifice. May we remember those who have given their lives to keep this land free, but may we also remember those who are left alive after war with disabilities, mental and physical limitations and on going suffering that they endure everyday for the rest of their lives. (Photos below of my brother before and after Viet Nam.)

White– symbolizes goodness, honesty, perfection and cleanliness. Often traits of an American or at least something they are trying to achieve.

Blue-the background of the fifty stars representing loyalty, sincerity, trust and faith. Faith in peace and harmony. Faith and trust in God and this great land!

Together the red, white and blue symbolize Freedom!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Does The Piece Fit?

brocken glass
Photo by Bruno Pires on

Saturday evening I went to a friend’s house for dinner and when I got there her husband was trying to make a beautiful area of rock leading up to their front porch. He was struggling to fit together a variety of shapes and sizes of broken pieces of rock to complete the project.

Do the pieces of your life fit together in harmony to make something beautiful? Or… are their pieces that just don’t fit and need to be discarded?

One of my fondest childhood memories was spending a week in Ferron, Utah at my Grandma’s house. She always had a puzzle set up for us to work on. As we neared the completion of the puzzle, we finally got down to the last piece only to find it missing. My Grandma would say, “oh no we are missing a piece, you kids better get down on the ground and look for it.” So we would do just that and while we were on the ground searching, my Grandma would take the last puzzle piece that she had tucked in her hand and put it into its place completing the puzzle and its beauty. I have had that same thing happen before but the piece was really missing. It is so frustrating and really takes away from the beautiful picture.

The most beautiful puzzle I can imagine is one that includes my Father in Heaven, My Savior Jesus Christ and everyone of my family members and cherished friends. My hope is that eventually the pieces of my life will fit together perfectly!

Create a beautiful tapestry for yourself and others to enjoy!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

What Matters Most

close up photo of a bed of white flowers

When I was young those things that mattered most were not the same things that are important to me now as an adult. It took time for me to really figure out what brought light and joy into my life.

All of those things that matter most to me now come from the same source….and that is my Heavenly Father’s plan for His children. There is nothing in comparison to having the opportunity to come to earth and receive a physical body and grow and learn. I have found that the light of Jesus Christ and his teachings continue to illuminate my soul and lift me to a fuller and deeper joy as time goes on.

The teachings of Christ will aid the rising generation in resisting the barriers that Satan is putting in their path……barriers that cause confusion and take away peace and joy.

Find out what matters to you the most and hold on to it tightly!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Feelings Of The Heart

close up shot of a diamond heart necklace
Photo by The Glorious Studio on

Sunday evenings are when I write a new post after I have pondered all week what I might share that would be uplifting to my readers. Well…tonight has been very different. After praying and pondering for the last several hours the words are not coming. And so I’m going to dig a little deeper and share some of the feelings in my heart.

I’m feeling such an abundance of emotions tonight but mostly Gratitude. I have so much to be grateful for! Although this world is overflowing with difficult things that bring us concern, there is always something to be grateful for. There is always hope! There is always tomorrow! My hope is for the rising generation that face so many different opinions and life styles, sometimes to the point of confusion. I hope and pray for them to see what is good and true and what will bring lasting peace and joy into their lives!

Lately I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with care giving responsibilities, but I am truly grateful that I have the health that allows me to serve those family members in need. I also feel deep gratitude for those who have served me in my own times of need.

My heart is full of Love. Love for family and friends who are here and Love for those who have passed on. Love for my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. Gratitude for a Heavenly Plan that gives me divine guidance and direction!

When words won’t come, share the feelings of your heart?

by Tanya Christiansen

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