Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Reflect on ‘Respect’

abendstimmung ball shaped clouds dawn

Respect is a powerful word! You either have it or you don’t. It can build character, lend a helping hand and beautify your surroundings. Without respect there is damage to relationships, hurt feeling and destructiveness.

What do you admire? What do you hold in highest regard? What would you protect at all cost? Do you respect yourself? Those things or persons we respect or those things we hold dear to us, show others the kind of person we are or the kind of person we are striving to become.

We can give all mankind respect allowing them their right to choose even when their choices and opinions are contrary to our own ways and desires. Jesus Christ showed deep respect as he loved and helped all of God’s children regardless of their actions or living conditions.

Take the time to reflect and ask yourself, “What do I Respect?”

by Tanya Christiansen

Helping Hands

This time of year brings thoughts of those things I am most grateful for. First and most important to me is the gospel of Jesus Christ, and second…family and friends! When I saw this picture I felt gratitude for my hands! Have you ever thought about all the things your hands can do and how difficult it would be to live without them.

There is so many things our hands can do. They lift, pull, push, carry, grasp, play, work, help and serve. We all need those helping hands at times but we also have many opportunities to use our hands to help others.

Serving others can be so fulfilling and uplifting to your soul. Our Father in Heaven needs our helping hands to serve His children. Our Savior Jesus Christ used his hands to bless, serve and heal. In his final hours he allowed his hands to be pierced on the cross for each of us. There is no greater example of helping hands than the life of our Savior Jesus Christ!

Look for opportunities to serve and help others!

by Tanya Christiansen

Let It Go

toddler playing with a balloon

The first thing that comes to my mind when i think of ‘letting it go’are little children who are so quick to forgive an unkind word, a reprimand, or even a broken heart. It takes a very short time for them to let it go and truly forgive never thinking of the indiscretion again.

Why is it so much harder for adults? I spent alot of wasted time holding on to those wrongs that were done to me. It wasn’t until I could truly see the damage those wrongs were doing, that I was able to ‘Let it Go.’ They were in control! They kept me from being happy. They changed the way I perceived life and my purpose here. They affected my parenting skills. They kept me from strong and solid relationships. They made every day hard.

I know what led me to that release of anger, hurt and fear was my Savior Jesus Christ who not only died for me but asked His Father to forgive those who hurt him. How amazing is that!!! I want to be that amazing.

When you let a balloon go up into the sky it grows smaller and smaller as you watch it until it is no longer visible and you forget about it completely. That release of holding on to hurts and other burdens you are carrying can dissappear just like that balloon! Don’t wait for justice or an apology that may never come!

Let it go and give it to the Lord. You will feel lighter yet stronger!

by Tanya Christiansen

‘Think Celestial’

I heard these two words, Think Celestial, at a General Conference for my church and have been pondering them this past week. Some definitions of the word Celestial are Heavenly, blessed, blissful, supreme, and divine. When I think of Celestial, I think of a place more glorious and beautiful beyond description where God and Jesus Christ reside and there is no more pain or suffering.

My church leader encouraged those who were listening to think Celestial when things were going wrong or life was testing you to your limits. How could that possibly help when you are totally discouraged and suffering??? I believe it is because it draws you from a darkened place to a place of hope in something better, a place of peace and rest from the troubles of this world. It gives me a desire to change, to be better, and be a little kinder and more forgiving.

There are many different beliefs in life beyond the grave but of this I am sure that God exists and because of His great love He sent His Only Begotten Son to Atone for the sins and suffering of His children so that through repentance they can return and partake of Celestial Glory someday.

Have hope in Eternal Joy and Peace. Think Celestial!

by Tanya Christiansen

Food For Your Soul

I often use the tag line ‘Food for Your Soul’ when introducing my new post at Sharelift. But what does Food for Your Soul really look like? I want to share in this post what ‘food for your soul’ looks like to me.

Our physical bodies need nourishment for proper body function. Healthy food carries nutrients to our organs so that they can work to sustain life. We would never choose to eat spoiled food. The food we put into our bodies can help us or hurt us. We also feed our physical bodies through exercise and rest. Our bodies let us know when something goes wrong or we become ill then we seek help to correct the problem.

Our spirits or our soul is much the same as our physical body. If we pay attention to our thoughts we will be able to tell when our spirit is hungry for nourishment.

I want to share with you those things that I have fed my spirit with, and continue to do so on a regular basis.

  1. I sought after the Truth about life and my existence.
  2. I gained a testimony of the reality of My Heavenly Father, my Savior Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost through scripture study and church attendance.
  3. I feed my soul by repenting of my mistakes and accessing the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
  4. I pray to strengthen my relationship with God and seek after His guidance.
  5. I feed my spirit by putting myself in good places where I hear good words that our uplifting.

I could go on and on but those are the main things that feed my soul. Sometimes I am strengthened by the example of another person. This weekend my soul feasted upon the words of leaders in my church in a great General Conference! It was amazing, and my spirit is full!

Often in the scriptures the Lord says, ‘Feed My Sheep’. We can lift and encourage others and help them to find peace and comfort by sharing those truths that feed our spirits.

Satisfy your hunger by seeking after truth!

by Tanya Christiansen

And He Will Dry Your Tears

I recently felt drawn to and purchased this picture. It hangs in my bedroom, a place where I have shed many tears. But also a place where I have felt closest to my Savior Jesus Christ. He has dried my tears countless times through his doctrine and teachings and my faith to believe in his words.

I know that sadness is part of life for the scriptures teach that there must be opposition in all things. Our Heavenly Father knew that we would have experiences that would bring tears and so He provided a way for each of us to rise above our sorrow by accepting the light and promises of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, which will one day wipe away all sorrows forever.

I know that it is because of Christ that I can endure and get through difficult things. I did not always feel his strength in my life. I would never want to return to those dreadful dark days of feeling totally and completely lost. I am so grateful for those who guided me and helped me to find the fulness of truly having Jesus Christ’s strength when I feel weak. It is a Miracle that anyone can partake of, simply by exercising faith in Jesus Christ then diligently following his teachings. I know these things to be true!!!

Although the tears will fall, there is strength in following Jesus Christ!

by Tanya Christiansen

Trusting the Lord

When someone we love goes away no matter the reason why, it can bring feelings of uncertainty, sadness and even depression. Change is part of life and something on going. No one can escape growing from childhood to adulthood without having stumbles and falls and then again as we grow older we struggle as our mortal bodies age until we finally leave this mortal existence.

This past week our family has once again experienced the passing of a loved one. Also a son, brother, grandson, nephew and friend, who left on a two year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They both feel many miles away, yet our memories help us to feel closer.

Turning to Christ and trusting that He will bless them and keep them safe brings comfort and peace to my soul. They are his sheep and he has his watchful eye upon them.

Jesus Christ is the answer to finding Strength during difficult times. We can come to except death as a stepping stone in our progression and growth. Serving a mission also brings experiences that strengthen and refine the person serving and also helps bring others unto Christ where they can find answers to all of life’s puzzling questions.

I have a testimony of Trusting the Lord!!! I may not always like the things that happen in my life but I know that He will always give me the strength and comfort I need when I need it through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Trust in the Lord! He is your Friend!

Rest and Recharge

close up photo of cat lying on table

What does it mean to rest and recharge? Time seems to go faster and faster when in all reality it is the choices we make each hour of each day that make us feel that time is always one step ahead, leaving us feeling like we will never catch up.

Have you ever heard someone say “where did the time go?” When did that cute little boy grow up and turn into such a wonderful young man. My children are grown and gone and most of my grand children are now young adults and I ask myself that question? Where did the time go?

Take the time every now and then to rest and recharge and look and see the fruition of your efforts and hard work. There will always be more time! It will never run out! It’s ok to rest along the way and more importantly….resting will restore the energy you need to proceed with accomplishing all that you desire to accomplish.

Rest, recharge and then..go after it!!!

By Tanya Christiansen

Life’s Landmarks

purple blossoms on tree on building corner

I have often heard that those who use landmarks such as buildings to guide them to their destination, is a Utah thing. Or perhaps it is ‘old school‘ but a habit that I still depend on. Even now that it is fairly simple to put an address in your phone and receive step by step directions, I still find myself looking for familiar landmarks.

Rarely can you accomplish anything, or reach a destination without some kind of guidance, instruction or a landmark. It might be a person who instructs you, a lesson manual or a certain building on a corner. Each of those provide guidance.

But what of life’s landmarks? Do we not also need guidance to provide for our families, teach our children, and take care of our health. None of us are born all knowing. We are surrounded by instructions and directions of every kind.

I depend greatly on instructions from the Holy Ghost and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Those are the landmarks that will guide me to my Eternal home where my loved ones reside. Spiritual instructions help me to become a better person and develop those Christlike attributes that will bring eternal joy and peace into my life!

Where do you turn for guidance?

by Tanya Christiansen

Memories of Him

Today is a day I prefer to keep as normal as possible. Nine years ago today I sat next to my dieing husband in my living room while he took his last breaths. His passing was a struggle and I like to think of him having as hard of a time letting us go as we had letting him go.

Cancer robbed us of time together yet I know now of good things that have come because of this trial. One thing that Cancer did not rob us of, is our good memories. I choose to remember those today.

Ray was a teaser and a pleaser. He liked to cook up something of his own invention. He was a people person and loved to talk even when it turned into rambling and never quite getting to the point. He gave the best feet massages and always thought of the welfare of others before thinking of himself. He loved little children and couldn’t wait to impress them with his magic tricks. Halloween was his favorite. He loved the Lord and the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Nothing meant more to him than having an Eternal family!!!

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Eternal Companion!

by Tanya Christiansen

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