Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Let God Prevail

Lately I have given much thought to letting God prevail in my life more fully. Prevail means to rule, to triumph, to gain victory over all. God is all knowing and all powerful!

If I choose to obey God’s commandments I am taking a step towards allowing Him to rule and prevail in my life. But prevailing goes much deeper. It’s coming to the knowledge and acceptance that I am nothing without God…. without His guidance and direction. He is in charge. I need Him like I need the air that I breathe. Letting God prevail is having enough Faith to truly trust Him. Knowing that He knows exactly what I need to experience, and not questioning those events and trials, good and bad that surface in my life. I have learned that He has always been there for me even when I felt all alone.

My daughter was recently diagnosed with a serious illness called Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. There is no cure. It is a progressive and rare disease with a poor prognosis. She is young and the mother of six children. She goes through each day struggling to breathe and unable to do those things that she desires to do. She lives with uncertainty of what lies ahead. I am amazed at my daughters strength and trust in the Savior. She loves her Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. She is truly a great example of letting God prevail.

If we remain faithful the day will come when we will experience for ourselves triumph and victory over evil, sadness, poor health, sin, and calamities of every kind. We have a Savior to help us get there. The Savior can succor us because He has personally experienced all that we have been through and are presently going through. He knows our pain and agony, our joys and victories. Letting Him prevail in my life means I have an absolute guarantee that no matter what I face He will be there to help me get through it.

The natural man in each of us makes letting God prevail a little more difficult. No one enjoys pain and suffering or anything that disrupts the easy flow that life sometimes brings. Eventually we will learn that the bumps along the way are really stepping stones towards a life more exhilarating than anything we could ever imagine. It can take time to connect with Christ to the depth that we want him included in all aspects of our lives. It is a process of growth and learning. I know this to be true! I now know that Christ is always there for me. I have felt His strength at my weakest moments. I have felt His love when no one seemed to care. If I don’t feel Him it is because I have taken a step back.

Do we trust God enough to let Him be in charge?

by Tanya Christiansen

Comments welcome

‘Lost Sheep’

field summer animal countryside
Photo by Silke Jabs on

Are you one of the lost sheep, or are you helping the Shepherd bring them back to the fold?

There is a broad meaning for the word Lost. Some of those are….. disconnected, confused, misguided, doubtful, misunderstood, isolated, and deceived. I am sure there are many more descriptions. Basically anything that takes you away from a path of peace to a world of uncertainty. Only you can really know for yourself what makes you feel lost.

Most of us have experienced getting lost when driving somewhere which really isn’t any fun and maybe even a little frightening, especially at night. We’ve all had a good laugh in our family over my lack of the ability to reverse directions. I simply can’t do it! My brain doesn’t work that way. Years ago, I would have my husband draw me a map to the place I was driving to and another map to get me from the place back to my home. (Turning the first map around didn’t work for me.) I hate getting lost to this day especially when someone destroys or changes one of my landmarks. I hate the feeling of uncertainty. Google maps are confusing!!!

We can feel lost physically, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually. PTSD took away my ability to function mentally and see things in a healthy way with clarity and understanding. I have felt lost emotionally during trials and hardships over the years and sin and my poor choices have allowed the adversary to create my greatest feeling of ‘lost’ called deception.

I can testify that no one needs to feel lost. There is always someone we can turn to for help and direction. It might mean that we have to step out of our comfort zone a little and seek help. Recently I have been serving as a ward missionary which has also taken me out of my comfort zone, but I have already witnessed finding some of our Father in Heavens lost sheep. My number one responsibility is to love them.

Our Savior Jesus Christ is the Shepherd who desires for all of God’s flock to return safely home. At times we will be one of the lost sheep and at other times we can help the Shepherd to bring His sheep back to the fold where there is clarity, guidance and peace.

by Tanya Christiansen comments welcome

1 Nephi 22:25.

And he gathereth his children from the four quarters of the earth; and he numbereth his sheep, and they know him; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd; and he shall feed his sheep, and in him they shall find pasture.”

We can serve the Lord by Finding His Lost Sheep

The Storms of Life

lightning and tornado hitting village
Photo by Ralph W. lambrecht on

A couple of weeks ago I was invited to go with my daughter’s family on a little trip to Park City. On the second day the rains came down which was a welcomed delight! You could easily tell that the kids, and even some of the adults hadn’t seen this much rain in quite some time, as they all ran outside to play in the wind and the rain. The next day was much the same with hot tubbing and swimming in the rain. No one was going to let a little rain stop the fun, but…. when they heard the claps of thunder and saw the bolts of lightning the kids were quick to end their activities and come indoors for shelter and protection.

One might compare this to the Storms of Life. How quickly do we seek the sources of safety and protection when the winds roar and the hail stones beat upon us? Do we seek after warmth and light to give us strength until we can stand again? We may not always be able to prevent the storms, but we can choose where we will take refuge until the storm passes.

I choose Christ! He not only offers warmth and light but also safety and protection. Though storms may toss us about, none can completely consume us with our Savior Jesus Christ in our boat. He is there to teach, to love and to give us the strength to weather the Storm’s until they calm.

Sometimes we might feel frightened or unprepared when these calamities hit. We may even feel unworthy for help from God. These feelings of despair and doubt come from the adversary. But if we open our hearts and look for the light behind the dark clouds, the Storms of life will not destroy us! Can we remain faithful as we endure the Storms of Life?

Helamen 5:12

“And now remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God that ye must build your foundation. That when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds yea his shafts in the whirlwind yea, when all his hail and mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation wheron if men build they cannot fall.”

Look to Jesus Christ and Live!

by Tanya Christiansen

‘Am I Enough?’

man standing on seashore
Photo by Yogendra Singh on

Most have asked themselves the question at one time or another, Am I Enough? This question can often motivate one to try harder, be better or overcome something unacceptable. But….It can also cause one to become discouraged and doubt that they will never measure up or be good enough. But….good enough for who? Themselves, their family, their God?

Our Father in Heaven loves effort. Any effort, great or small. We are enough if we simply try. Life is not a race. We don’t need to compare ourselves to others who seem to be further ahead in progression or success. Comparing can hinder our personal growth. What ‘seems to be‘ when we look at others might not be ‘what really is’. We shouldn’t compare our worst to someone else’s best. You are Enough! You are a child of God with great potential. If we could only see ourselves as our Father in Heaven sees us. We all learn differently and at our own pace. Each of us have talents waiting to be discovered.

I know as a parent I have often wondered if I failed to do enough in raising my children. As a spouse I asked myself the same question. Was I a good spouse those 40 years or did I fall short. Yes, at times I did fall short as a wife and mother but it’s okay because I tried. Everytime I failed I got back up and tried again.

Satan uses self esteem against us to pull us down. He will constantly tell you that you are not good enough. That you are a failure and do not deserve great blessings. He will lie to you because he wants you to suffer as he suffers. The Holy Spirit will tell you exactly the opposite. He will tell you of your worth and potential, he will always speak the truth. Who will you listen to?

1 Samuel 16:7

“……for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”


by Tanya Christiansen

Comments about this post are welcome and appreciated at or on facebook.

Opposition In All Things

landscape photography of mountain
Photo by Ian Beckley on

Each of us have a story to tell with chapters still evolving…. and I could bet with all certainty that those stories all contain the bitter with the sweet, the sickness with good health, the pain with the peace and the sorrow with the joy. God allows His children to experience mortality which naturally comes with opposition. The nature of opposition changes but it will never end.

Seven years ago this week I experienced devastating opposition when my husband became terminally ill and passed away 8 months later. I was not prepared for the life changing impact of that event. If we could only view opposition as a necessary part of life that makes the good times better, the sweet that much sweeter and the joy greater, maybe opposition would not be viewed as something so unpleasant.

During these past seven years I have come to accept opposition as not only a part of life but also part of Gods plan to help all men learn and grow. We will all experience opposition regardless of how we live or what we believe. That is a fact! Satan uses opposition to attack what is most important.

Opposition has at times caused my faith to turn to fear but on the up side it has also created a yearning to learn more about the purpose of life. Opposition has taught me that I can do difficult things. I have found the strength to pull through my weakest moments. I have tasted sweetness after the bitter and felt the warmth of light in the dark of night.

I thank my Father in Heaven that life is not mundane and boring. I am grateful that mortality brings experiences that will help me continue to progress towards the best version of myself. The pandemic has been a great example of opposition that has touched the lives of all in one way or another. I have faith in better days to come! I look forward to reuniting with my husband someday where my darkest cloud will fade into my brightest day!!!

Opposition Gives Life Meaning!

by Tanya Christiansen

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Christ Centered Living

Growing up and into my years as a young wife and mother, I didn’t understand the difference between believing in Christ and making Him the center of my life. I think if I had understood that concept I may have seen less struggling with the hardships of life and more strength to not only listen to the Spirit but also to follow divine direction.

Faith and trust play a big part in developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Studying His life in the holy scriptures can replace faith with knowledge making His existence a reality. That relationship can become so strong that we desire to make Him the center of our life. Including Him in all of our decisions, sharing joys and sorrows and looking to His example for the kind of person we are capable of becoming.

I feel a significant difference for the better as I make Christ the center of my life. I feel happier, stronger and more trusting in His wisdom to know the experiences I need for my growth and learning. I know through the power of prayer I can communicate my needs and wants to my Father in Heaven through His son Jesus Christ and receive guidance in all aspects of my life through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Sometimes guidance comes quickly and other times I have to wait. But it’s okay because I know that Christ will give me the strength to endure those moments or days when I feel no guidance or direction. It is also possible that Christ is trusting me to make my own decision. My Father in Heaven and my Savior can make so much more out of my life than I could ever achieve on my own! Making Christ the center of your life is the greatest gift that one can ever obtain, a gift more valuable than any earthly treasure!

‘Christ Centered Living’ Brings Peace and Joy Even During Hard Times!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on Facebook or at ctr75

The Circle of Friendship

Tonight I am feeling especially grateful for all of my true friends!

I true friend keeps walking with you year after year even when you slow her down. A true friend talks to you til midnight even when shes totally exhausted. A true friend brings you a family size bag of wavy lays just to let you know they care. A true friend helps you baby sit so you can have a break. I true friend lends their truck and goes with you to the dump. A true friend tries to fill in for your grandchildren’s late Grandpa. A true friend has confidence in you even when you don’t have it in yourself. A true friend rides with you through the storms of life even if they don’t know how to ease your burden.

I could go on and on of what I think a true friend is…..but more importantly I have learned that to have a friend you must first… be a friend. Friendship is a state of mutual trust and support. As human beings we all have the basic needs of being cared for as well as caring for others which brings friendship full circle.

Friendship can have its ups and downs like any other relationship but its strength will help it to prevail. Making allowances for imperfections up front reduce disappointments later on. No one is perfect, not even a true friend!

If you seek friendship, go after it by being a Friend!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook or at

Finding a New Normal

person showing gray mountain
by eberhard grossgasteiger on

How do you handle change?

As a naive young mother I didn’t want anything to change? I prayed for no sickness in our family, no financial difficulties, well behaved children, and no disagreements in my marriage. Well, I received none of those things, in fact it was quite the opposite! Troubles, troubles everywhere! Sickness, difficult pregnancies, death, loss of employment, less than well behaved children, struggles in our marriage and loss of self confidence.

I soon learned that life is full of change. It doesn’t matter who you are, you wont escape change! It might even happen on a daily basis.

This is my formula for finding MY new normal:

  1. Accept change. It’s life. Change doesn’t always bring hardships. It can also bring new opportunities, growth and new friends.
  2. Be patient with yourself. Things might feel different, lonely or awkward for a while. It’s okay, don’t beat yourself up.
  3. Have a good attitude and hope in a better tomorrow. Ask yourself what can I learn from this change in my life?
  4. If the change is causing you unmanageable grief or stress find someone to talk to.

The first two years after my husband’s passing I waited and waited for things to return to normal. My therapist stopped that waiting when he told me things would never be the same. I wasn’t too happy when I left his office that day. His words took away my hope. But it was something I needed to hear because what I was waiting for was totally unrealistic. As much as I wanted it, my husband was not going to walk through the door. So for the next year or so I tried to accept that I was just going to be lonely and depressed for the rest of my life. As I continued with therapy I realized that I was the only one who could change things for the better. My life as I once knew it for 40 years with my husband by my side was gone, but if I really wanted to be happy I would have to find a new normal.

These past few years have been quite the adventure for me. First I evaluated my life and where I was, compared to where I wanted to be. ( I had much work to do). Next I tried to spend a little time each day doing something enjoyable or relaxing. And last……. I worked hard at serving others. This past year has taught me that I can be happy again. I’m not going to allow change to make me miserable. I have a new normal now until the next change comes my way. I have learned that I have friends and family I can turn to and I am much stronger than I thought.

Don’t let change determine how you react. Embrace it and keep going forward. Change is a normal part of life. You can learn from it if you allow it to teach you.

Perhaps the definition of normal should be- ‘Accepting change’.

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook or at

The Bracelet

Dream– Dare to dream for dreams often become reality but sometimes take much determination and hard work to achieve.

Enjoy Nature- Look for the beauty in God’s creations. We are blessed with each season that brings us a variety of colorful selections and smells.

Nourish- Eat healthy, get plenty of sleep and exercise to improve the quality and longevity of mortal life.

Think Positive– There is believed to be power in positive thinking. One might think it to be very similar to Faith. Remember Faith can move mountains.

Create- Create an environment of peace and love with traditions and memories that last forever.

Love Your Life– Look for the good in life and embrace it.

Family Time-Families come in all varieties but each member can be uplifted by spending time together and drawing on the strengths of each other.

FriendshipA true friend is a gift from God. A gift that lifts and loves without judgement.

Fitness– Becoming fit takes great discipline. You can’t cheat and expect it to work.

Gratitude- Being grateful makes what we have enough, in any and all circumstances.

Feed the Soul- There is no better or more satisfying food for our Spirits than the teachings of Christ.

The Crown- The teachings of the Bracelet, if followed, can help lead us home to our Father in Heaven where someday we will receive our Crown of Glory and Eternal Happiness!

By Tanya

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The Parable of the Tiny House

gray wooden house on green grass
Photo by Josiah Farrow on

Once upon time there was a poor farmboy who inherited his father’s land. On this land was a very very tiny house and a barn that was larger than the tiny house. He also inherited two cows, three goats, a half dozen chickens and one horse. The poor farm boy soon grew up and took himself a wife who also had two cats and one dog which slept in the tiny house with the farm boy and his wife.

The farm boy started to feel that the tiny house just wasn’t big enough and his wife was due to have their first child any day. The dog and the cats were constantly fighting and winter was fast approaching. The farm boy thought about moving his family into the barn which was much larger than the tiny house but his animals needed the shelter especially with winter coming. So one day the farm boy hitched up his horse to the buggy stored behind the barn and rode to town to speak to the king about his problem.

The king made the farm boy promise to do exactly as he instructed and his problem would soon be solved. His first instructions were to go home and move all the chickens into the tiny house. As crazy as that sounded to the farm boy he followed the king’s instructions and did as he was told to do. Now there was not only the barking of the dog and the hissing of the cats but also the clucking of the chickens. Soon his child was born and there was no rest for anyone.

The farm boy returned to the king and the king told him to also move into the tiny house, one goat. While the barn was starting to look very inviting to the farm boy he did as he was told and moved the goat into the tiny house. The animals were now on the beds, the table, and the goat was eating everything in sight.

The farm boy once again returned and told the king that there was no more space anywhere in the tiny house. The king then told the farm boy to go home and remove all the animals including the dog and the two cats. To the farm boy’s surprise the tiny house no longer felt tiny at all. It was quiet and peaceful in the tiny house and there was ample room for all of the farm boy’s belongings and the belongings of his wife and child. The farm boy felt so grateful for his tiny house!

By Tanya Christiansen

The lesson taught in this parable is gratitude. Are we grateful for those things we have? Or are we always wishing that we had more? Do we recognize those blessings that are not tangible like life, love, health and family?

Showing Gratitude is a Great Attitude to Have!!!

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