Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Count Your Blessings

The holiday season is upon us and for many it brings heightened sensitivity to those things of most importance. Hopefully we take the time to count our blessings and name them one by one.

When life gets tough we may fail to recognize those things that mean the most to us and maybe even take them for granite. Surely we all have something we are grateful for. At one of my lowest points when life seemed totally unfair I struggled to feel grateful for anything. A wise friend of mine challenged me to write down at least ten things each day that I was grateful for. I did this for one year and found it to be very difficult in the beginning but as I continued it became easier and easier.

Hearing is definitely one of my top ten greatest blessings. I love music and playing the piano. I can’t imagine not being able to hear those beautiful melodies. Hearing also allows me to hear the sound of laughter coming from little children and the soft whisperings of the Holy Spirit.

I am grateful for my hands. There are so many things I can do with my hands. Whether it is strumming my guitar, making a pie, writing a post or serving someone in need. My hands allow me to partake of the sacrament each week and renew those promises I have made with my Savior Jesus Christ.

I am grateful for my family and friends that support me and bring richness into my life. And I am mostly grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and my knowledge of Eternal families!

What are you grateful for? Take a moment this holiday season to ponder on those simple things that make life a little more pleasant. A warm bed, the air you breath, the freedom to choose for yourself. A friend who knows when you need a hug!

Be grateful! Thank God for all you have!!! Happy Thanksgiving from my house to yours!

By Tanya Christiansen

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The School of Mortality

Like all schools from preschool through college, learning is the purpose. Whether it is to learn a trade or skill or to obtain a degree in a specific area, learning remains the focus! I like to think of mortality as a school greater than all the others we might attend during our earth life. Learning begins while we are still in the womb. There is never a time that we learn more quickly than when we are an infant. A babies brain develops at an amazing rate. It doubles in size by the age of one. While vision is the least developed sense at birth, the other senses begin to develop before we are born.

All schools or training at some point in time present a quiz or test to determine if what has been taught has been understood. If we fail the test we might have to study more or be taught again and retested until we either grasp the concept or we choose a different class or a different path all together. We may find we excel easily in some areas and struggle in others. That is perfectly normal. There are different methods of learning also. What works for one might not work for another.

The School of Mortality is certainly the most accommodating school that has ever existed. The reason being because the professor is our Father in Heaven. Never has there been a more patient and helpful instructor. He will give you infinite chances to pass His test. He will supply you with tutors to assist with your learning. His greatest tutors being Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Your happiness and success is their ultimate goal. They will never lead you astray. Your success is promised if you continue to listen and learn. As long as you continue to try to pass the test of mortality your failures and weaknesses will not be remembered.

Subjects you will be required to pass are compassion, kindness, love, charity, hope, obedience, patience, integrity and forgiveness. But remember you have as many chances as it takes. You can take what you learn here and continue learning in the here after!!! How wonderful is that? Finally a really great school worth attending!


by Tanya Christiansen

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Gaining Self Confidence

This picture perfectly depicts how I have felt for most of my life. The good news is you dont have to feel this way! I think most of us have had at least a few moments of feeling like we want to crawl in a hole or maybe we feel like we will never measure up to our idea of greatness. I don’t really know where or when I began to feel like I had to live up to a certain standard to be loved and accepted, but that is exactly how I felt. That misconceived idea was a very difficult thing to break away from. Confidence has nothing to do with what others think and everything to do with with what you think!

The First step to gaining self confidence is to get to know yourself. Don’t let others decide for you who you should be. You are a unique individual with your own gifts and talents. You may think that you have nothing of value to offer but I guarantee that you do. Second find someone who you can tell your feelings to who will support you and help you identify your good qualities. I know that my support people could see the good in me before I could see it in myself. Third don’t compare yourself to others. Nothing can more quickly destroy your progress than measuring your worth against someone you think is better than you. We are all God’s children with infinite worth, and even though he wants us to succeed he loves and accepts us as we are.

If there is something you want to achieve, set small goals to get you there. Believe in yourself and keep trying til you succeed. The more you try the more confidence you will have. It truly works but it does take time. Be patient with yourself! I have always struggled with speaking in front of people and it has bothered me excessively to the point that I finally decided it was a weakness I wanted to overcome. At first I had to take a few steps into the darkness (which was really difficult) before I began to see the light. I prayed for opportunities that would help me reach my goal and they have come. I am still not where I want to be but speaking is getting much easier.


by Tanya Christiansen

Scroll down for other related posts at

Developing Meekness

calm water with sun and orange sky
Photo by Abdullah Ghatasheh on

Meekness is an attribute or ability that I have given a lot of thought to. There are many who think of meekness as a weakness. It is true that meekness can sometimes appear to show a lack of strength when in fact I find it to be just the opposite. Those who have developed meekness show great strength, self control, calmness in difficult situations, strong restraint and not easily provoked. In the gospel of Jesus Christ we are encouraged by our leaders to strive to understand and incorporate this quality into our lives.

Meekness is a vital aspect of the Savior Jesus Christ’s divine nature. He showed great meekness as he submitted calmly to the hands of those who crucified Him. What great strength he showed when He was so cruely treated. His meek demure prompted Him to pray to His Father to forgive those who hurt him.

Jesus Christ described himself in the following scripture,

Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”

I certainly need rest. Do you? As I get older I seem to need and desire that calmness in my life and in myself as a person. This world needs people who are self restrained. People who are kind even when they are treated badly. People who keep caring and loving. People who have hope and faith when life is hard. People who are meek and lowly in heart!


by Tanya Christiansen

From Hurting to Healing

Years ago one of my daughter’s fractured her ankle in two places and tore the ligaments. I was never one to jump too quickly to running to the doctors. Sometimes injuries just needed time to improve. Well, my daughter hobbled around for the next few weeks in a lot of pain. What we thought was just a sprain never improved. Finally I took her in for an xray which revealed the fractures. She was put in a cast to give her ankle the stability and support it needed so that it could heal properly. I know that I should have taken her for help much sooner.

Hurting for whatever reason can make us feel broken. Brokenness can surface emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally . A good definition for ‘broken’ is someone or something that is no longer working properly or has lost its ability to function completely. Brokenness often comes with distress, lack of stability and even pain, just like broken bones.

I am certain we have all felt broken at one time or another. I personally and unfortunately have spent more of my life feeling broken than I have spent feeling well. My amazing husband was always so kind and patient with me when I was struggling. He was my stability and support. But there is another even more amazing person that has given me even greater stability and support, and that is my Savior Jesus Christ.

Through repentance, counseling, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ I have progressed from hurting to healing. I have overcome the damaging effects of sin, abuse and loss. I feel a greater peace unlike any I have ever felt before. I have stability and support through my faith in Jesus Christ. I even have better physical health than I have had in years. I am no longer broken!

Jesus Christ uplifts, loves, supports, protects, forgives, directs, assists, teaches, enlightens, guides, comforts, saves and heals!!! He is there for all of God’s children! No matter where you are in life, what you have done, where you have been, or where you are heading, He can turn your hurting to healing!

by Tanya Christiansen

Let The Atonement of Jesus Christ Work For You!

Reaching Your Destination

sea flight flying ocean
Photo by Julia Volk on

I recently flew to Missouri to visit my niece and her family and to see some historical sites I have been wanting to visit for along time. While I was on the plane I was able to watch our course of travel on a monitor in front of me. When we reached the halfway point the pilot announced that he would be taking a little detour around a storm to avoid some rough turbulence. The pilot’s main objective was to reach his desired destination in a timely and safe manner.

Do you have a course of travel as you go through life? Are you following a map? What is your desired destination? Satan is alert and ready to persuade you to take a different path. His goal is to lead all of us down paths of destruction so that we are miserable like unto himself. The youth of today have so many barriers to face as they grow and develop. Having a plan or goal is detrimental to their safety as well as adults as we journey through mortality.

I have often ran into barriers as I go through life that require me to take little detours here and there as I work towards my Eternal destination which is returning to my Heavenly parents. Arriving at that destination is so important to me now!!! I say Now because I haven’t always felt that way. I totally fell off course at one point in my life. I felt that I would never get back to a path of peace and comfort. But through a desire, effort and repentance I am headed in a much better direction with my eye and heart on the place I want to end up. I am certain there will be storms ahead of me but I am much better prepared to get through them without being thrown off course.

Have you given serious thought to where you are headed or where your children are headed? Where do you want them to end up? And do you have the determination to reach your own destination. The storms of life will always present theirselves in the middle of our paths making it necessary for us to go around them or take shelter until they pass. Our Father in Heaven is ready to help navigate our journey if we only ask Him.

Make a Plan and Arrive There Safely!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome

Related posts at sharelift, ‘Lost Sheep’ and ‘The Storms Life’.

Is it True or False?

question marks on paper crafts
Photo by Olya Kobruseva on

A lack of truth is ever increasing in this world. It is all around us, in our workplaces, our schools. In politics, in religions, in our relationships, and in our families. It is Satans weapon against things that are wholesome, uplifting and true. We hope and pray that our children and grandchildren will speak truth and develope the attribute of honesty.

Seeking after truth in all situations prevents confusion and mis-judgement. Unreliable sources of information can even cause bigger problems such as irrational fears, stress and even physical sickness. A lie will never become truth. Truth will always bring feelings of peace.

One thing I have learned in my year and a half of being on facebook is that there is so much out there that is far from truth, even so distorted that it is easy for me to scroll past it. But maybe not so easy for some. On a positive note there are reliable sources for seeking truth. As individuals we need to decide who and what we will trust. You may have a trusted friend, a parent or grandparent. You can listen to your own thoughts and feelings when seeking truth.

Many believe in Spiritual truth which comes through prayer and scripture study. We are all born with the light of Christ which helps us discern what is true. Gaining a testimony of Spiritual truth requires replacing our fears with faith. I testify that we have a Father in Heaven, a Savior Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost whose job is to teach truth. They speak only Truth. They are Truth!

by Tanya Christiansen


Small and Simple Things

This saturday I had to make a quick trip to my daughters, but it ended up being a long trip because the traffic was so bad. It was bumper to bumper all the way to her house, and at times I sat through two lights before I could proceed. I’m not a very patient driver but as I sat there waiting to move I began to notice those who were allowing a car or two to cut in front of them. I began to do the same. Such a simple gesture of kindness and yet a great thing (I’m sure) to those who were allowed to cut in. A calm came over me as I watched and waited for my turn to proceed. I am grateful that there is still some measure of kindness in this fallen world.

I believe that small and simple things can bring great things to pass. We may never know the results of a kind word we speak to someone, our listening ear, or the soft touch of our hand on someone’s shoulder…..but, from my own experience those simple gestures have often come at some of my lowest points and have given me hope and the determination to keep putting one foot in front of the other. And that is no small thing when you are in the depths of despair! To know that someone cares or believes in you when you dont believe in yourself can make all the difference.

Faith in our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ starts as a small and simple seed and if planted it can lead to hope and eventually to the knowledge of Their existence. Can you think of anything greater? I can’t. The commandments in the Holy Scriptures are simple, and if they are followed great blessings will come to pass!!!

If you can only give one percent of yourself to make improvements or to help others, it is enough! Our Father in Heaven loves effort…any effort!!! Great things Will come to pass as you continue to try.

Simple Things Often Become Great Things!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook or at

Obedience To Laws Brings Safety

pink pencil on open bible page and pink

Think for just a moment about a world without rules and laws and no consequences when they are broken. Can you even imagine the chaos, confusion and danger that would exist? Each day when you step out your front door there are certain laws that are simply black and white with no middle ground in between. You simply obey them or you receive a punishment or consequence. I remember my first and only speeding ticket which came with a very hefty fine! Not a pleasant experience, but one that taught me a lesson in why obedience to laws are necessary and how they protect myself and others.

Consequences are the action taken to teach and edify. Unfortunately there are many who look at rules as an infringement upon ones rights when they are not really recognizing or desiring the benefits and blessings that often come with obedience. In some cases there are no set laws but only suggestions given and we have the freedom to choose what action we will take if any. Agency is a God given gift to all mankind. But….we are not always in control of the consequences.

We have all witnessed the diverse opinions concerning this worldwide pandemic and what is the best way to protect ourselves and our families. Governments and businesses have struggled with knowing how to respect individuals rights, and still protect all people.

So what about Spiritual Safety??? Ancient words called the Holy Scriptures contain laws and commandments that if obeyed bring not only Spiritual safety but also the greatest of all Eternal blessings possible for man to receive. I didn’t always keep those commandments and I can testify that Gods laws are for the benefit and protection of His children. I can also testify that obeying the commandments contained in the scriptures bring a greater peace than anything I have ever experienced. I know that through obedience to Gods laws I will be okay no matter what comes my way.

If we firmly make up our minds to obey the commandments we will not have to re-decide which path to take when temptations come. Laws and commandments are like fences or guardrails that keep us safe!

By Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome

“Obedience leads to true freedom. The more we obey revealed truth, the more we become liberated.” James E. Faust

Finding Strength in Vulnerability

For many years I was ashamed of being vulnerable. I saw it as a weakness that put me into a lot of uncomfortable and harmful situations. Trying to suppress my vulnerability over many years became a great burden for me to carry. I tried to hide that side of myself even though it was truly a part of me. A part of me that was shared by all human beings. Vulnerability says, “I have feelings. I am capable of being hurt and also of hurting others.”

Most people do not like feeling vulnerable. Exposing oneself opens the door to being judged, bullied, hurt and embarressed. It brings the fear that you will not be accepted by others. On the upside of that statement, exposing oneself trades the risk of being harmed for the chance to be your authentic self. To Be You! To Be Honest With Yourself and With The World! Those are powerful words!!! Being vulnerable can also bring the opportunity and challenge to learn something new if you are willing to try.

I reached a point in my life where being my true self became more important to me than being accepted. But to my surprise, putting myself out there, (which took a lot of courage) sharing my experiences good and bad, and showing my vulnerable side has blessed me with more friends, better relationships, and the strength to overcome my fear of speaking and voicing my opinion. I have been able to connect with, and encourage many who have struggled in similar ways. Exposing myself has dissolved my shame.

I no longer feel that I have to hide or pretend that I am someone I am not. I have the courage to say, “Yes I can do that” and the strength to say, “No, absolutely not!” Vulnerability can bring freedom. The freedom that comes when you are being Real!

Presenting our imperfect self to the world is when true belonging happens!

by Tanya Christiansen Comments welcome!

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