Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Second Chances

There is so much turmoil and contention in this world today. I have been thinking alot lately about second chances. Where would any of us be if there were no second chances? Every night the sun sets and we expect it to rise again the next morning bringing with it another opportunity to be better than we were the day before.

It’s easy to extend to ourselves chance after chance to improve, to be kinder, more forgiving, better parents, and better neighbors…. but do we extend to others the same courtesy? I have to admit having been a victim of abuse I have had years of holding grudges and not letting things go. That has certainly been my number one challenge to overcome in this life……. with trusting again, my second challenge. Even those who deliberately hurt others deserve second chances, third and even fourth.

The gift of each new day comes from a loving Heavenly Father who loves all of His children and knows we will all make mistakes. He has given His Son to pay the price for all wrong doings and sins. It is our duty to forgive and let go of all ill feelings that keep us from giving second chances to those we come in contact with.

I testify that letting go of grudges and allowing others the same courtesy and respect that we desire for ourselves will bring more peace into your life. God will take care of all injustices. It is not necessary for us to carry those burdens. Jesus Christ has already paid for all suffering of every kind. His great Atonement offers repentance and forgiveness to all.

Let It Go And Find Peace

by Tanya Christiansen

Fruit Of The Spirit

fruit tree

I like to think of the Fruit of the Spirit as attributes and characteristic’s of our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. Developing these attributes require life’s experiences and our divine spiritual relationship to our Heavenly Parents, which gives us the capability to become like them.

Love is a basic human need and an attribute that we as children of God were exposed to in our premortal life. We were deeply loved by our Father in Heaven and because of that Love he allowed His Only Begotten Son to die for us so we could return and live with Him someday. Love can heal broken hearts and mend damaged relationships. Love can cast out hate. Love is powerful. Love is kind. Love is the leader of all the Fruits of the Spirit.

I John 4: 8 God is Love.

Joy triumphs over despair and sadness. Knowing who you truly are and keeping God’s commandments brings the deepest joy one can know. Joy is Optimistic! You can feel joy during difficult times. With a heart full of joy we can accept and adjust. A knowledge of Eternal life brings joy.

Long Suffering requires patience in this imperfect world. There will always be hurtful words, mistakes, accusations and misunderstandings. Developing the attribute of Long Suffering can restore peace in less than ideal situations. Always remember it takes more courage to be patient and endure, than to attack.

Meekness is internal peace that is constant and calming. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of meekness. In Matthew chapter 11 we read, “Take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” We can achieve that internal peace by learning of Christ and following Him.

Faithfulness is trusting in God and His plan. It is believing and looking forward to the fruit or reward of our good works. We can develop faithfulness by being responsible and keeping promises and commitments. Our Father in Heaven has great blessings for those who remain faithful.

Developing Fruits of the Spirit brings us to an ideal character or closer to our divine person with the potential that God intends for all of His children to have.

Partake Of The Fruit!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Endure To The End

brown and green mountain beside blue sea under white clouds and blue sky
Photo by Jess Loiterton on

In 1952 a great swimmer, Florence Chadwick, attempted to swim 26 miles from the California Coast to the Catalina Island. As she swam she was followed by a boat with a team of people keeping a watch out for sharks and being ready to assist her if she became too tired or sore to continue. After Florence had been swimming for about 15 hours the fog set in and her confidence began to vanish. With the fog thickening and decreased determination to meet her goal, Florence asked to be pulled into the boat only 30 minutes before reaching the unseen shore.

Life often presents fog in our field of vision dimming clarity and blurring our focus of ‘our shore‘ or goal. Enduring to the end requires determination, courage, integrity, strength and even Faith. Faith in ourselves and faith in Jesus Christ. We will not always have 20/20 vision. Satan has the power to distort our view ahead or cast fog in our path in hope’s of throwing us off course. These things certainly can make enduring to the end more difficult. In those times of less than perfect clarity we may have to listen to our heart and mind and those heavenly promptings that will protect us from the sharks and guide us safely to shore.

Sometimes we can only endure the hour ahead or one day or one week or one year. We can look ahead to where we want to end up, but we all have to take the necessary steps to get there. Shortcuts rarely bring success. Often things worthwhile are not easy to obtain.

Florence Chadwick began swimming as a young child. She was in competitions by the age of six. She was determined to meet her goals. She slowly worked her way up to her 26 mile swim to the Catalina Island which she finally achieved on her second try.

God will help you reach your goals. He will protect you from the sharks, He will pull you in the boat when you become exhausted. God will help you as you endure to the end of mortality, keeping your eye on a glorious Eternity with blessings greater than anything imaginable. Do you only endure or do you endure well, having faith in a brighter day?

by Tanya Christiansen

As Dory would say, “Just keep swimming.”

Expect the Unexpected

lightning and tornado hitting village
Photo by Ralph W. lambrecht

What preparation would you make if you were informed that there was a seventy percent chance of a tornado hitting the area you live in within hours? Most of us would anchor down things and make sure our loved ones and friends were aware and somewhat prepared with water and food and a place of shelter to meet and stay until things were safe.

Like preparing for a storm, being somewhat flexible and expecting the unexpected can sometimes be beneficial within reason. I’m not saying that we should go through each day with a negative attitude expecting our plans to be disrupted. I’m just saying that life can be unpredictable and expecting each day to evolve exactly as planned is pretty unlikely and might be setting you up for dissapointment.

This is a challenge for me! I am definitely a planner. I generally look at my calendar sunday evenings and see what lies ahead for the week. Scheduling too much for one day is a big mistake I have made alot… that often leaves me feeling defeated at the end of the day.

I have learned a few things that have helped me find more joy each day and be better prepared when something unexpected happens. Nourishing my soul with prayer and scripture study seems to help me have more patience with those unexpected things that arise. I have decided that taking at least an hour each day doing something I enjoy is beneficial not only to me but to those I come in contact with. I know that taking care of myself physically with exercise and diet is also beneficial. I am learning to be more flexible when I plan things and sometimes I even say no when I feel like I can’t take on more. Overextending yourself can have great negative effects.

Covid has certainly been one of those unexpected storms that has disrupted everyone’s lives to some degree. Who knows what the future holds. How are you handling each day? Are there things you can change to reduce stress in your life? I know that trusting in God means no matter what lies ahead we will be okay.

Look For Something Positive in Each Day!

by Tanya Christiansen. Comments welcome on Facebook or at

Reverence for Life

Above on the left is a picture of my daughter Karen who passed away at 3 days old from a strep infection. On the right is her identical twin sister Kaydee who misses her twin sister everyday. A passing of a loved one brings with it a deep reverence for life. Most of us don’t want to be separated from those we love….but death is part of life.

Just last evening my daughter Kaydee witnessed a tragic accident while waiting to make a turn, a fast moving car hit a man and a child that were trying to cross the road. Our lives are fragile and unpredictable and can change in just a matter of seconds.

The wonderful part of life is that it is Eternal! Death opens the door to the next step of our Father in Heavens plan. While we mourn on this side of the veil others are rejoicing and embracing loved ones as they enter the spirit world. Likewise we rejoice when little ones comes to earth. Just this evening I became a Great Grandmother for the first time. These sweet new parents sacrificed greatly to bring their son into this world. And the cycle continues until all of Gods children have gained a mortal body and returned to wait for their glorious resurrection.

Eternal life is made possible for all mankind because of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ who lives today. I know these things to be true. I long to be with my husband, children and many other loved ones who have passed on but I have peace in knowing that I will see them again when my turn on earth is complete.

Do you feel a deep reverence for Life?

Strength to Overcome

woman sitting on rock front of mountain
Photo by mtweb on

Life often presents obstacles that we need to overcome in order to have peace and the strength to move forward. We may feel weak and at times may find it almost impossible to put one foot in front of the other. These obstacles might feel like climbing a steep mountain and experiencing that feeling that we might never reach the top, yet we believe that the top is where relief and peace are. Of course the top will have a magnificent and breathtaking view and great rewards beyond our imagination….but….It is possible to have peace along the way!

I read an article this past week that talked about our future being determined far less by our starting point and much more by our slope. The power and strength to overcome and keep climbing is a simple formula containing only two words…. Jesus Christ. Each of us have divine potential no matter where we start or where we have been. The important part is our slope.

I am climbing but I am not alone. I testify that Jesus Christ is the answer to overcoming anything difficult. He is kind, loving, patient, and understanding. He is the answer to finding peace during challenging times. He is there to catch you if you fall. He can relieve your thirst. He can strengthen your legs to hold you up. He can warn you of danger and help you stay on the right path. He can even carry you if you need a rest. And one day you will make it to the glorious top!!!

I don’t really like looking back at where I have been. It does me no good to go there, but I do like looking at where I am and where I desire to be. I am not much of a hiker, but I have faith in Jesus Christ and I know He will help me make it to the top. He will help you too!

Are You On An Upward Slope?

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook or at

The Act of Kindness

I love this photo that perfectly depicts the characteristic of kindness. Why is it that little children are so quick to be kind? Quick to Love and quick to Forgive. For adults it isn’t always as easy, yet acts of kindness are surely what we all need. There is much to be learned from observing little children.

There is a primary song that teaches this principle perfectly:

I want to be kind to everyone for that is right you see, so I say to myself remember this, kindness begins with me.

What a simple yet great concept that short little song teaches! If you want others to be kind to you, be kind to others first. Just be kind always and in every situation. Of course that will require some strength and self control, especially when you are being treated rudely. But can you imagine what your self restraint could speak to others if you always act kind no matter what.

Kindness can be shown both in our actions and through the words we speak. Words are surprisingly very powerful both to build up and to tear down. Of course there will always be those times when we wish we hadn’t said something. Learning to take the time to choose our words carefully can make a big difference and possibly prevent someone from feeling hurt. A simple gesture such as a smile, hug or touching someone’s arm can say I care about you. I’m sure we can all agree that this world needs more Kindness.

So let a car go in front of you. Smile at someone who looks sad. Hold a door open for the elderly. Help a new neighbor who is moving in. Visit someone who is ill. You’ll be glad you did!

Follow the example of Christ and be Kind!

Anchored in the Lord

sea sunset holiday water
Are you steadfast and unmovable?

When a vessel loses power in a storm, a metal anchor attached to the ship can be lowered to the seabed to hold the vessel in a particular place. The purpose of the anchor is to keep the ship safe. In Hebrews chapter 6 we learn that an anchor is also a symbol of hope. Hope in Jesus Christ and salvation. Just as a ship sometimes requires the strength of an anchor to keep it from drifting off course or sinking, we often need the example and teachings of Jesus Christ to keep our heads a float in the storms of life. Even when the waves are high and we feel like we will soon be consumed in the depths of the sea, having our anchor firmly in Jesus Christ and His Atonement will see us through to the end of the storm where the sun will rise again!

Life will always bring high waves or challenges. Adversity can come as a great storm or it can deceive us by appearing calm and inviting. That is why our anchor must be firmly planted. Just as we should never go out to sea without life jackets, God has not left us without saving devices to keep us from drowning. Those saving devices begin with His plan of salvation. He gave His Only Begotten Son to be the Savior or anchor for His children. Jesus Christ’s mission is to save. He is indeed the Savior of all mankind. So how do we become anchored in the Lord?

First of all we learn of Him, His characteristic’s, His mission and His teachings. We can know for ourselves of His existence through the power of prayer. Second we can invite Him to be our personal Savior and love and trust him with all our hearts. Third, we can strive to be like Him by loving and serving those around us. Fourth we can keep His commandments and repent when we make mistakes and strive to do better.

As we make Christ the center of our lives He will become a solid and dependable anchor that will give us strength and stability no matter how severe the storm.

Jesus Christ Will Strengthen You During Life’s Storms.

by Tanya Christiansen (comments welcome on Facebook or at

Love Is In The Air

red heart ornament and aloe vera plant covered with paper

Love is a basic human need that we are born with. Love is powerful and can soften hearts. Love can turn sorrow into joy. Love can build self confidence. Love brings forgiveness. Love can diminish hate. Love can change the world.

Four little letters forming a word that is magnificent and always kind. Today hopefully reminds each of us to express love to those we are close to and maybe to someone we would not ordinarily remember.

Even though I can not be with my sweetheart I still feel so blessed to feel the Love of my family and friends. Their expressions of love strengthen me. Their love brings so much joy into my life that it spills over and gives me a desire to share that love with others.

The greatest of all Love, is the Love that God has for his children. He allowed his only begotten Son to die for each of us because He desired for His children to return to him. But we are also commanded to Love God.

In Matthew 22:37-39 We read,

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy sole, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

Share Your Love and Love Will Come Back to You!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on Facebook or at

Calling Heaven

With accelerating technology all around us it is common to see everyone using their phones in one way or another. Not just for texting and talking but also for jotting down a note, registering for an appointment, booking a reservation, checking a date on your calendar or even filling out an application…..and the list goes on. Our phones have become a useful device that we can’t seem to live without. I never thought it would become that way for me but I guess it has because….I am constantly looking for my lost phone. It is now a fact that it is generally easier to get through each day by using our phones. But how often do we take the time to call Heaven?

Our Father in Heaven desires for all of His children to call home. He wants to hear of our daily events, and our triumphs and struggles. He listens every time we pray even when we feel like He isn’t listening. But He answers in His own way and His own time according to what is best for us. Hopefully we take a moment or two each day to set our cell phones down and call Heaven.

Our prayers will not always be answered according to our desires but they will always be answered according to what is best for us. I personally prayed for my three children to live….but they died. I prayed for my husband to be cleansed from his cancer infested body but he passed away. At first I was angry but as I look back I see blessings and lessons learned by myself and others that might not have been received and taught any other way.

I am so grateful that when I kneel down to call my Father in Heaven and check in, I am certain He is listening and will answer me when the time is right and according to what is best for me. That is a fact that I can always count on. He loves you with a perfect love and He wants you to call him!!! Prayer is the way we can feel connected to our Father in Heaven and our Savior. I testify that these things are true.

God’s number is 22211…. 2 bended knees, 2 folded arms, 2 closed eyes, 1 bowed head, 1 contrite spirit.

by Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome on facebook or at

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