Food For Your Soul During Challenging Times

Blessed Are The Peacemakers

layout of colorful fresh flowers and plants

I listened to an amazing lesson in church last week about being a Peacemaker. It amazes me how often I hear the very words I need just at the right time to strengthen me to endure things coming my direction!

Being a Peacemaker does not mean you are passive by any means. There is great strength in setting boundaries without being on the battlefield. I love the story of the 2000 strippling warriors who layed down their weapons and refused to fight. What a great example of confidence, courage and commitment they showed…..following what their mothers had taught them.

Jesus Christ showed the greatest strength as he remained a Peacemaker while he was falsely accused, spit on, mocked, persecuted, beat and finally crucified. He never spoke words of anger or malice and often remained quiet. We can follow the example of Christ by resisting the impulse to respond with anger!

There is opposition in all things. We must first taste the bitter to know the sweet. Life will always present fiery darts. But instead of letting the peace within us turn to contention we can take a deep breath and use our moral agency to govern our decisions and actions in a way that will make our Father in Heaven proud.

Matthew 5:9 “Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”

by Tanya Christiansen

Is There ‘Light’ in Your House?

sunset sky over sea and lighthouse located on hill

Beacons of Light shining brightly from a lighthouse serve as a navigational aid to warn boats and ships of dangerous areas. Sea captains depend on that light to help keep them safe.

As we navigate our way through life we have not been left alone without light to guide us and warn us of danger. We have all been born with the light of Christ and if that light is nourished it will illuminate the correct path we should take. But without nourishment the light will grow dim and eventually burn out.

Our bodies are the house where our spirit dwells. Is there Light in your house? Does your testimony and faith in Jesus Christ radiate light in your countenance for others to see? This navigational gift our Father in Heaven has given each of his children can not only keep you safe but can guide others to safety as well. Where there is the light of Jesus Christ there is no darkness.

This past weekend I was able to spend a few glorious hours feeling, hearing and seeing the warmth and light of Jesus Christ shining from others through word and song. These powerful testimonies strengthened and fed my spirit!

I testify that striving to live the teachings of Jesus Christ will fill your soul with more and more light. And as your light increases you will know exactly where you are headed and your path will be bright and your future will be illuminated with the blessings and promises of Eternal Life!

D&C 50:24 That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day.”

by Tanya Christiansen

Tossed To And Fro

green cactus with flowers on sand
Photo by Alex Binroth on

I once read a story about a plant in Palestine called The Rose of Jericho. This plant lived under the most diverse conditions. It was often referred to as the resurrection plant because it would appear to be dead and then show signs of life. It survived in the hot dry desert. It survived in rock crevices and through fierce high winds. Sometimes it would be torn from its place and flung out to sea and it still survived. It was tossed to and fro and yet it lived!!!

How did this plant survive? It survived because it accepted and adjusted to its circumstances. Do you ever feel you are tossed to and fro facing the trials and hardships of life? You might even feel that you can’t endure anymore. When I find myself in this situation I find strength in my Savior Jesus Christ. Through prayer, serving others and knowing that God loves me I have come to accept the loss I have experienced as stepping stones towards becoming the person my Father in Heaven would like me to become.

Hardships can pull us down if we allow them to. We can find joy in any circumstance through our faith in Christ and by thinking outward and helping others. As we serve we will find that our own troubles feel lighter. Accepting and adjusting to our circumstances will come eventually and we will find peace.

Psalms 28:7- “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.”.

Accept and adjust or be miserable!

by Tanya Christiansen

Seeking After Inspiration

silhouette of a person standing on a rock

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could send a text message to our Father in Heaven and get a quick response back? Although seeking after divine inspiration isn’t quite that simple, there are ways provided by the Lord to communicate and receive inspiration and guidance.

In my experience over the years I have found that those times I have acted on my own without praying for guidance have often resulted in a poor outcome. I am a slow learner and truly putting my trust in the Lord has taken me a lifetime to learn. When I say ‘truly’ I mean with my whole soul, trusting that God knows better than I do what action I should take, if any. I rely heavy on the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost in all that I do.

Our Father in Heaven loves His children to call home and counsel with Him. He is always ready to give divine inspiration to those who seek after it. That inspiration will not always come when we expect it or in the way we expect it, but it will come. I often receive answers through the words and testimonies of others.

I am far from perfect but I do strive to live my life in a way that will qualify me to receive divine guidance. I desperately need inspired help from my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in all that I do!

I testify that the Lord loves you and will direct your journey on earth if you ask in faith!

Listen With Your Heart!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

The Golden Years

food wood holiday art
Photo by Polina Kovaleva on

As I am quickly approaching the winter of my life I have often pondered the saying ‘The Golden Years‘. I have even said to family and friends, “What is so ‘Golden’ about growing old. As far as I can tell those advanced years come with alot of aches and pains! The bad knees, backaches, can’t see, can’t hear, thinning hair, bunions, age spots and arthiritis to name a few. And then there’s the mental decline, where you get lost in your own house, can’t remember for more than 30 seconds, and you start finding things in odd places. And there you have it…..The Golden Years!

This past week as I have been trying to clean out the four story house of my parents, I haven’t found any golden eggs but I have begin to have a glimpse of what is ‘Golden’. Although this house is full to the brim with everything imaginable, there is also a strong statement spoken here of simplicity, wisdom and values.

My mother loved her dogs, probably more than her kids. Millie Sue’s treat was cheerios wrapped up in a white napkin ready for treat time. I am finding these little white napkins containing cheerios everywhere. A simple gesture yet a symbol of love and kindness.

My step father clipped and saved newspaper articles that were important to him, as was learning about the events going on in the world. If you have an hour or two he would be happy to teach you about any historical event or share with you stories of his ancestors.

Old dishes and containers were not to be thrown away. (Nor have they been). The faded colors and bubbled plastic gives the item character. If it can still be used then you keep it. Rolling coins was something I remember helping with as a child. The kitchen cupboards contain a variety of neatly wrapped coins.

One corner of the patio still has a layer of birdseed that spilled from the bird feeders above. Watching my mom take the time to enjoy watching doves and other birds was something I will always remember.

These examples could all be considered golden moments that took place in our home. Even though I am just now recognizing a little about what those words ‘The Golden Years’ mean, I would have to say that part of it most certainly is about those golden memories of the little things that really matter. Maybe that’s why God made mortals to age and slow down long enough to see things clearly before they enter into the next phase of Eternal Life.

Look For Those Golden Moments!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Slow Down

brown and black turtle on green grass

A turtle carries quite a load on his back! Infact he carries his house all the time, every day! He never removes it to take a rest. It’s no wonder he moves so slow!

What do you carry on your back? Is your load too heavy? Can you remove it at least while you rest? I found that there are advantages to keeping busy and active but there are also advantages to slowing down a little and taking a real rest every once in a while. Unfortunately I tend to wait a little too long before I take that much needed rest!

So how can we determine (before we are totally exhausted) that we need to change our pace and Breathe? I found that my body gives me warning signs. Some of those are: easily irritated, emotional, fatigued, restless, feelings of failure, sadness and sometimes even nausea. 😢

Society often gives us the impression that in order to ‘fit in‘ you must be accomplished in every area. Teens now days struggle with those kinds of pressures constantly. Sadly many feel that if you can’t keep up and excel you are a nobody. Actually the opposite is true!!! Going at your own pace, not comparing yourself to others and knowing when you need to slow down are the traits of someone who will accomplish great things in life!!!

Jesus Christ carried the greatest load of all when he suffered and died on the cross. He is there to help you when your load feels like more than you can handle. Slow down and turn to Christ!

It’s Okay To Sometimes Move As Slow As A Turtle!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

Anxiously Engaged In A Good Cause

two little boys helping their mother in the kitchen and using a rolling pin
Photo by Jep Gambardella on

Is your life mundane and routine, or are you anxiously engaged in a good cause? Are you driven by your own thoughts and goals or are you driven by others? How do you feel when you awaken each day? Do you feel you have a purpose in this mortal life? These are questions that most have pondered at some point.

I personally need to improve in this area. For the most part I feel anxiously engaged to do good and serve others but there are still those days that I feel a little overwhelmed and lonely. We all have those days I’m sure. The important thing is that we find our strengths and allow them to give our lives purpose and meaning by sharing them with others. For me…..that was when I began to realize my full potential and purpose in life.

city road man love
Photo by RODNAE Productions on

As children of God we have the power within us to inspire, guide, teach and help change lives for the better. We can be the Lords hands to help and encourage those around us to do good. This world needs kindness! This world needs Love! Find your purpose and be anxiously engaged in using that purpose for a good cause. You may never actually see the results of your efforts but I can guarantee you will feel a fulfillment like none other!!!

Don’t Allow Past or Present Circumstances To Determine Your Future!

by Tanya Christiansen

Give Your Burden To The Lord

photo of hiker on top of rock facing a lake
Photo by Robert Forever Ago on

I can’t count the number of times I have heard someone say “Give your Burden To The Lord.” In fact…..I heard it again today. That phrase has played over and over in my head for several years. The heavy burdens that I carried made me feel trapped! I searched for the instructions on how to transfer this burden to the Lord, but never really found a simple method. Although I was striving to keep all of the Lord’s commandments I still felt crushed under the weight of wrong choices, my own as well as others. One day while I was reading I came across a scripture in Mosiah that jumped out at me.

Mosiah 7:33 “But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you from bondage.

I immediately realized after reading that scripture that I was focusing on the wrong thing. I was so determined to be delivered from my pain that I was missing the mark in so many other areas. The Spirit taught me that I didn’t fully trust the Lord and His plan for me which required more effort on my part through study, prayer and service.

I did not personally have the ability to give my burden to the Lord. Only He had the power to deliver me and as the scripture stated, “according to His own will and pleasure.” This is the full purpose of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to deliver those who truly repent and turn to Him with full purpose of heart and serve him with all diligence! Obtaining this deliverence was not a one time event but a process that is continual in my life as I make mistakes, suffer pain, and turn to the Lord for the help that only He can give.

I testify that no matter how big of a burden you carry, you too can be delivered if you are willing to trust and follow Christ, having faith in His great Atonement and serve Him with all diligence. No one is exempt from the glorious blessing of deliverence!!!

Put Forth Effort and Allow the Lord to Take Your Burden!

by Tanya Christiansen

Does it Show In Your Face?

woman s face
Photo by Shiny Diamond on

A face can tell us alot about a person. Especially the eyes remarkably reveal feelings of excitement, sadness, fear, hope, joy, illness and even anger. When coupled with the mouth, the face can tell almost as much as words can express. For alot of years I feared this very fact not wanting others to know those things I was not ready to share. I became quite skilled at dodging confrontations while making eye contact as little as possible.

I envied those people who showed enthusiasm and joy in their faces. I knew without any doubt that the source of their peace and joy was truly feeling the love of their Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. I felt that too many of the wrong things had happened in my life for me to ever have that same peace…, I just went on the best I could doing good but never quite getting there. I spent alot of years in that dreary place, hiding my face and laying as low as possible. I certainly did Not want to be in the spotlight.

Difficult trials continued to come into my life only causing me to draw within myself deeper. Sometimes I even felt that I was receiving exactly what I deserved. I could not see the miracle that was taking place. My Heavenly Father did in fact love me. He knew that in time these trials would soften and humble me to the point that I could accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and allow the healing power of His Atonement to work for me personally.

As I have made repentance a part of each day and I have learned to forgive others, allowing them the same courtesy I would hope to receive myself, I can stand up tall showing my face to the world. I hope others can see something peaceful in my countenance. I hope they can see peace and joy even through those moments of sadness that we all experience from time to time. I hope they see me as a daughter of God!

Let the Light of Christ show in your countenance!

by Tanya Christiansen

Let Freedom Ring

black bell during daytime
One Nation Under God
flag of u s displaying on pole

How do you let Freedom Ring? Is there a price to pay? Living in this great country is a priviledge. So many paved the way! First, those who sacrificed much to settle here in this promised land, and second, those who have served in battle to keep us free!

Some lost their lives, others lost their limbs, sight, the ability to walk, take care of themselves and do those things they once enjoyed. Freedom is not free!

Being a true American comes with responsibility. We can let freedom ring by serving our neighbor, by respecting our leaders and being grateful for living in such a great country. We can move forward with faith and courage ready to make sacrifices if necessary. We can stand tall with integrity, expressing proudly our standards and values to the world!

Thank you to God our Heavenly Father who had a plan that included this great nation where we have agency to choose for ourselves, and a place where we can worship as we desire. We are Americans by choice, not chance.

I’m Proud to be an American!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

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