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Each of us have a story to tell with chapters still evolving…. and I could bet with all certainty that those stories all contain the bitter with the sweet, the sickness with good health, the pain with the peace and the sorrow with the joy. God allows His children to experience mortality which naturally comes with opposition. The nature of opposition changes but it will never end.

Seven years ago this week I experienced devastating opposition when my husband became terminally ill and passed away 8 months later. I was not prepared for the life changing impact of that event. If we could only view opposition as a necessary part of life that makes the good times better, the sweet that much sweeter and the joy greater, maybe opposition would not be viewed as something so unpleasant.

During these past seven years I have come to accept opposition as not only a part of life but also part of Gods plan to help all men learn and grow. We will all experience opposition regardless of how we live or what we believe. That is a fact! Satan uses opposition to attack what is most important.

Opposition has at times caused my faith to turn to fear but on the up side it has also created a yearning to learn more about the purpose of life. Opposition has taught me that I can do difficult things. I have found the strength to pull through my weakest moments. I have tasted sweetness after the bitter and felt the warmth of light in the dark of night.

I thank my Father in Heaven that life is not mundane and boring. I am grateful that mortality brings experiences that will help me continue to progress towards the best version of myself. The pandemic has been a great example of opposition that has touched the lives of all in one way or another. I have faith in better days to come! I look forward to reuniting with my husband someday where my darkest cloud will fade into my brightest day!!!

Opposition Gives Life Meaning!

by Tanya Christiansen

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