adorable black girl reading interesting book
Photo by Amina Filkins on

The well known story of Little Red Riding Hood came with varied endings to the story, some being tragic and others joyful. All versions of the story were entertaining, but I remember checking out the ending of the story before I read it to my kids and sometimes changing things up a bit depending on their ages. Most stories have lessons to be taught and a moral to the story that can enlighten those listening.

Little Red Riding Hood certainly didn’t plan on crossing paths with the big bad wolf when she was happily skipping through the woods on her way to visit her grandmother. The big bad wolf’s plot was to deceive her and tell Little Red Riding Hood lies in his attempt to benefit himself and end up with a full stomach. If Little Red Riding Hood had been a real person in a real world she would have learned lessons about the dangers of walking through the woods or perhaps her mother would not have allowed her to go alone in the first place. Little Red Riding Hood would have also learned a lot about a world full of deception and lies and how we must always seek after truth in order to be safe and protected.

I have found my life to be very similar to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. I guess you could say that I spent alot of my life lost in the woods and being deceived by Satan himself. The good news is I finally ended up on the path to happiness and found my way out of the dark woods and into a place of glorious light and truth. I did not get here by myself. There were many who encouraged me along the way. The Lord has allowed me difficult trials that I now see as stepping stones that have led me to a knowledge of My Heavenly Fathers plan. This plan contains no deception but only truth. Anyone who seeks to understand and know the plan of happiness can have pure joy even when going through difficult things. My joy is in Jesus Christ who is the Savior of the world.

I started this blog over a year and a half ago to share my story and hopefully help lift others who are struggling. Sharing can bring healing. It can be difficult at times to share things that are personal and even more difficult to share mistakes we have made. But if it can help someone to find joy and peace it is totally worth it in my opinion. Each of you reading this post have your own story to tell. Your experiences and words could help future generations long after you are gone. Listen for those promptings that encourage you to share a part of your life that might help someone.

Remember there are many ‘Big Bad Wolves’ in this world. They are out to devour us and our children and to pull us down to a life of sorrow and destruction. Believing in Christ and following his teachings is our amunition against the evils that exist in the world today.

Don’t Get Lost in the Woods….. the Big Bad Wolf Might Get You!!!

by Tanya Christiansen

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