pink pencil on open bible page and pink

Think for just a moment about a world without rules and laws and no consequences when they are broken. Can you even imagine the chaos, confusion and danger that would exist? Each day when you step out your front door there are certain laws that are simply black and white with no middle ground in between. You simply obey them or you receive a punishment or consequence. I remember my first and only speeding ticket which came with a very hefty fine! Not a pleasant experience, but one that taught me a lesson in why obedience to laws are necessary and how they protect myself and others.

Consequences are the action taken to teach and edify. Unfortunately there are many who look at rules as an infringement upon ones rights when they are not really recognizing or desiring the benefits and blessings that often come with obedience. In some cases there are no set laws but only suggestions given and we have the freedom to choose what action we will take if any. Agency is a God given gift to all mankind. But….we are not always in control of the consequences.

We have all witnessed the diverse opinions concerning this worldwide pandemic and what is the best way to protect ourselves and our families. Governments and businesses have struggled with knowing how to respect individuals rights, and still protect all people.

So what about Spiritual Safety??? Ancient words called the Holy Scriptures contain laws and commandments that if obeyed bring not only Spiritual safety but also the greatest of all Eternal blessings possible for man to receive. I didn’t always keep those commandments and I can testify that Gods laws are for the benefit and protection of His children. I can also testify that obeying the commandments contained in the scriptures bring a greater peace than anything I have ever experienced. I know that through obedience to Gods laws I will be okay no matter what comes my way.

If we firmly make up our minds to obey the commandments we will not have to re-decide which path to take when temptations come. Laws and commandments are like fences or guardrails that keep us safe!

By Tanya Christiansen

comments welcome

“Obedience leads to true freedom. The more we obey revealed truth, the more we become liberated.” James E. Faust