depth of field photography of tulip flowers
Photo by Vural Yavas on

I love this time of year…waiting and watching for new life to pop up through the earth! I know that my brown grass will turn green, my trees will get buds and green leaves and my flowers will bloom. For a season I will be able to partake of their beauty!

I like to compare Springtime to the test of mortality. We are all born pure and innocent and then as we grow older we lose that purity as we make mistakes. Just as flowers wither and die and leaves fall to the ground, we make choices that take away our beauty. But the good news is…… we can begin again! And again! And again! Just like Springtime!

Our Father in Heaven’s plan for His children allows us to progress eternally. Jesus Christ atoned for our suffering, mistakes and sins and gives us every opportunity to repent and try again, and again to become better and more beautiful, more loving and kind, more obedient and more Christlike. Being as pure again as we were at birth is attainable!

I have needed the Atonement of Jesus Christ many times in my life. I love my Savior and all He has done for me. I am nothing without Him. I testify that repentance and a new beginning is the most precious gift our Father in Heaven has given His children!!!

Don’t let your mistakes stop your progression. Begin again and find Peace!

By Tanya Christiansen