Today is independence day! I’m so grateful for this great land we live in! Many years ago men were led by God to this land of promise and opportunities. Hero’s like my brother (pictured above) fought for the rights and freedom of all who live in this great country. Freedom to make choices that will determine the kind of life we will have. I thank my brother and all who serve and have served to protect and uphold these freedoms! Freedoms that hopefully we do not take for granite. Many have made great sacrifices in our behalf. Some have lost their lives while others have lost limbs. And still others have lost sight and the ability to walk and think for themselves like my brother.

My other hero is my Savior Jesus Christ. He….. who has made the greatest sacrifice of all! He has been spit on, mocked, and persecuted throughout his short life. And finally tortured on the cross to give all mankind Eternal Life. He suffered the greatest of all pain that no mortal man could endure. He bled from every pore for you and for me! Do we realize the gift these Hero’s have given to all?

To close my post I want to share the chorus to one of my favorite songs: by Michael W. Smith called ‘Above All.’

” Crucified, layed behind a stone, He lived to die rejected and alone. Like a rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall and thought of me, above all.”

Who is your Hero?