Today is a day I prefer to keep as normal as possible. Nine years ago today I sat next to my dieing husband in my living room while he took his last breaths. His passing was a struggle and I like to think of him having as hard of a time letting us go as we had letting him go.

Cancer robbed us of time together yet I know now of good things that have come because of this trial. One thing that Cancer did not rob us of, is our good memories. I choose to remember those today.

Ray was a teaser and a pleaser. He liked to cook up something of his own invention. He was a people person and loved to talk even when it turned into rambling and never quite getting to the point. He gave the best feet massages and always thought of the welfare of others before thinking of himself. He loved little children and couldn’t wait to impress them with his magic tricks. Halloween was his favorite. He loved the Lord and the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Nothing meant more to him than having an Eternal family!!!

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Eternal Companion!

by Tanya Christiansen